

would you ever do rollkur

oh of course i would, particularly after i'd just described it as being 'vile'. hello? are you sensing my sarcasm?
rollkur is intense hyperflexion of the horses neck. it crushes airways, it damages their necks and tongues and mouths. it is hideous to look at. i don't know how anybody anyway could ever look at an example of rollkur and think 'oh you know, that's looking really great! i wanna try that on mine!' and anybody who does think that is either a person who has no knowledge of horses, or a total sicko.

Latest answers from Heavygoods

Yard routine?

On a weekday we feed around 8ish, it can be earlier depending if we are competing or it's going to be hot so Sam and I will get the riding done before the horses start melting, but on a normal day we just feed, rug up if any of them wear rugs and turn them out (inc DIYs because they're all assisted), muck out part/full liveries, hay nets/feeds, sweep yard and we are usually done by 10:30 at the latest so then we go for our lunch break. Come back at 3 to bring in the part/full's, put any needed lotions, potions and sprays on horses as they come in, then it's just skipping out, haying and feeding then we go home at 5pm

Saw you commenting on something on SH&P, your yard has space?! what's it like?

Yeah we actually have four boxes available at the moment but there are loooads of people coming to look about next week - our yard is beaut, we have a really nice bunch of liveries, the tea room is just fabulous and we n e v e r run out of milk, everyone is really welcoming and friendly

What are your horses fed on including supplements?

Wall's has alfalfa pellets and alfalfa light, protexin gut balancer, premier flex, seaweed & rosehip, vegetable oil and plenty of water to damp his feed down. He gets a large soaked hay net every night and has a lot of turn out
As of today Ector's having chaff, non-heating pony nuts, bute, devils claw, honey and a drizzle of molasses also watered down. He also has soaked hay 24/7 and a big bucket of graze-on ready grass at lunch time as he can't be turned out

What saddles do you ride in?

Ector was in a Stubben but as he muscled out we had to put him in a different one, he was in a Henri De Revel which was a lovely saddle
Wall's has a thorowgood dressage saddle and Kenton Masters long leg GP

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