
Mariyah Garcia

Ask @hey_its_Mariyah

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Perfect guy?

-he will scream he loves me not caring who hears
-he will give me his jacket even if hes freezing
-he wont be embarrassed of me no matter what i do
-he will show.me off to.his.friends
-hes not afraid to hold my hand or kiss me in public
-he is himself around me
-we can have fun together
-same music taste
-hugs, always
-from behind hugs r nice to
-hes not to clingy, but not to distant
-he will surprise me randomly with stuff
-he wont get jealous because he knows i love him more than anything
-doesnt flirt with other girls
-will hold me his arms when im sad
-if we fight he will bring me flowers and tell me he doesnt wanna fight someone he loves
-smells goood
-will watch movies with me
-cuddling is good
-wont loe
-wont let me get away that easy.


So to whoever was saying all that shit about connor. U know what i noticed? He tells a whooole lotta girls the exact same thing. Like how pretty and funny and amazing they r and how he would date them. How come he never said anything like that to me? Answer me that. Oooooh and to all the girls he continuously flirts with.. Dont fall for the sweet talking. Its not genuine.

Bitch plz I'll tell u who the fuck I am straight up... Connor is a good guy he's a good friend. And your going to brake up with him cuz he gave a girl a hug and a tbh.. and supposedly didn't treat u right WOW .. he always talked about how awesome u wear and how he loved u... GTFO

Ok srsly? Call me a fuckin bitch? Look in a mirror before u judge ppl. And get over that that's y i broke up with him. Cuz its not. And the fact that ur choosing to say this over an anonymous website tell me that ur a coward. Why dont u say it to my fac And he didn't treat me right k? Maybe hes a good friend to u but thats u. Not me. AND if he talked about me soooo highly then y couldnt he treat me like that? Get over it.
Liked by: Belle Deschler

What do you think will be the most popular electronic gadget given as a gift this year?

The phone that is also a tablet that has a keyboard so its a computer being able to shoot lasers at ur enemies and cook random food while simultaneously transporting u to mars.


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