
Nicole Claire

Ask @heyitsneek

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i'll try to cheer up but on the positive it's okay that he's gone now, at least the heaven gain the most perfect angel, King Olaloy <3

I hope you're doing okay dear ✨ I saw the story on twitter, stay strong okay 💞

Describe Fareez in a paragraph!

my weird af boyfriend :') just basically someone who I can really count on to be there for me (unless he falls asleep 😂) but in all seriousness, he is definitely one of my main pillars of support and a confidant who I can rant about anything to. plus he is extremely straightforward which is something I need (at times) and he is really just a lovely person in general, I'm really glad that I call him my best friend and also my boyfriend 💞

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If you could talk with only one person for the rest of your life, who would it be?

Can I not choose one person :( but 10
instead, cause I technically only talk to about 10 people now :')

hahaha alrighty!! okay i'm gna sleep now can't absorb anymore ITR HAHAHA, you should too!!! rest well!!! x

studying for my common test on thursday (final paper muddafuckers), thank you!!
all the best for ITR, you can ace it :-)

like not really leh!! plus my lecturer is ms shirlyn leow!!

HAHA omg i love ms leow!!!! like seriously
okay la then just focus on her slides, usually it'll be extremely concise and focusing on the main points :-)

okie what's ur twitter!! haha she's nice!! but she didnt give us notes eh...

neekerole (!!)
huh are you serious? no revision lecture meh

yeah i'm feeling rlly guilty & idk what to do. it's like i could have helped but i didnt. instead it was the other way round. i just wish that i can do something to see him again :'( he's an angel

well, you wouldn't have known if he chose not to tell anyone :( cheer up, sweets. he wouldn't want to see you this way x

i found ur askfm thru "whatthecal" haha sorry if its weird :/ but ms sim is my tutorial teacher!

oh!! haha it's alright :-) you can always just follow me on twitter if it's easier yknow!
omg she's damn nice right :') just follow her notes, she's a saint when it comes to that

thank you so much :( i dont know any seniors from TRM so its quite sad but now i know you!!! hehe i have ITR(intro to tourism & resort) common test tmr ohgod......

who's your teacher!! hahah it should be okay, if your lecturer is ms sim just follow her revision slides very closely.
(i personally just passed ITR)
(who are you anyways!! it's so weird on ask.fm, though :/)

no no it's not that simple. its not anything like lose a friend & like hes not important or sth

I'm choosing this question to reply to because the others are really personal!!
omg I don't know what to say :-( this is really extremely sad to hear about! I know you feel guilty that you couldn't help him or be there for him, and it's okay to feel that way for awhile. but don't beat yourself up over it alright, dear? he might have been fighting his own inner demons, but of course using the easy way out wasn't exactly the smartest choice.
I sincerely hope you feel better soon, I know it's not easy with everything that you're facing but be strong ✨ he wouldn't want to see you this way.
I'll be praying for you x

hey. i'm 15 and i just lost a friend. what should i do?

hahah okay I'm kidding, I mean it's life - you'll lose people and when you're older you realise that they're not important. but for now, just focus on doing other stuff like hanging out with your other friends, listening to music. anything to distract yourself!!! and you'll be alright over time 💞

hi :( tips on surviving TRM pls, I'm only in year one oh my god feel like dying :"(

just breathe and everything will be fine 😘 hahah I guess you just need to pace yourself, and set balance between rest and studying. I know it's hell, but you'll get through it 💞✨ I don't have tips because half the time I give up on sleep to do my work :') all the best hun ✨ anything you can just talk to me x

Describe tree HEHE cheer up ok!!!!! I think I need to see your face soon so WHEN ARE YOU FREE

tree is my bao, my (somewhat) lover + my confidant!! i wasn't that close to her until she went off for intern and then we started talking more aiyo i wasted my 2.5 years man :( but i'm really lucky to have her in my life :)
your face is missed too!! erm after submission week so first week of july onwards :-))) x

i took 291 to inter and change bus to go home. haha anyway no, no point telling you who i am bc you dont know me xD

oh!! haha okay :-) but thanks for the message, anyways!! x

nahh sorry i didnt say hi :( i wasnt rlly sure if the person was you or not so im afraid i might say hi to the wrg person hehe

you could have helped me in my survey, luv!! hahaha it's alright :-) where were you at (and who are you LOL), I probably saw you or something heh

were you at tampines? i think i saw you. if it was you, then i just wanna tell you that u look pretty & tall hehe great day ahead (:

I just saw this 6 hours late!! haha, yes I was :-) and you didn't say hi? but thank you, that made my night ~^^~

Hi!! Can you tell me what are the complusory camp when you enter any BA course ?? Thank you :)

Hello!! I think you're from cal's askfm?
The minute you enter, there is BAOC - Business and Accountancy Orientation Camp. Followed by your course camp, for mine it was compulsory. There are other camps such as IDare - a leadership camp, club camps such as BA envoys camp, BA communications camp. :-) I can't remember what else there are right now.
These camps are not compulsory per say, but I would highly encourage you to attend most camps when you can!!


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