
landona montana

how're you practicing new languages? do you use a website tutor?

i find like short stories/comics in my target language and translate them, writing down any words i don't know and looking them up later. i also talk to some friends who are native/fluent speakers and are willing to help me improve! i'm not exactly sure what a website tutor is but i don't think so...lmao

Latest answers from landona montana

Mutuals who you lowkey think could do a little less (behavior wise, a.k.a they are way too extra)?


I want to private message you but you do not follow me .,,,

omfg my dms are public so anyone can do it!!! i can reply as long as you're following me

miyeon miyeon,, im reading your asks i was hoping you can explain what it is like that you identify with? im pretty old fashioned so it confuses me but i want to understand better

lmao of course!! i'm agender, meaning i identify with neither male or female, or anything really.
more specifically, i'm agenderflux, meaning there are (definitely) times where I feel masculine or feminine, but these experiences are not gender exclusive. so at those times, i can't really say i am male or female....if this makes sense....

This has nothing to do with what that asker was talking about but you seem to know a lot about this kinds of stuff. i've always been wondering if female-presenting or DFAB genderqueer folk still experience misogyny....

!!! indeed they can, oh man...there's a term called "misdirected misogyny" that is commonly used to describe discrimination against people who do not identify as a woman, but are perceived that way and treated as such.
I think this can also go for trans men who still pass as females. However, trans women who are still male passing do not experience misdirected misogyny, but rather, transmisogyny.

i'm not saying you are Cisgender, i am saying that maybe your are not Agender?

or you could just not say anything and accept that how I choose to identify doesn't concern you?? And read up on the differences between presentation and identity, because obviously my explanations aren't catching on??

:-( I miss when you were in the EXO fandom

yea lmao...i'm sorry, it eventually got too much for me tbh now i just stan exo from a distance....

But Cisgeder ppl are comfortable with they're assigned pronouns, like you so

(sighs out of the ASS) I am only comfortable with those pronouns bc they match , my , gender , expression. How hard is it to understand??

but wouldn't using pronouns that you're assigned gender matched make you a cisgender?

*Cisgender person, and what????? Not at all. While I may be afab using she/her, since I NO LONGER identify as female, I am NOT female. So she/her is not used to describe how I identify, but how I PRESENT myself aka my expression.

Language: English