
Hilmi Jahaidi

Ask @hilmidoodle

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What's the movie that made you cry?

The most recently one is The Chilling Adventure of Sabrina Part 3 episode 4 when Nic broke up with Sabrina :(

If you had one word to describe yourself, what word would it be?

A man talks on average 7000 words per day and to choose one to describe myself is infinite. But if i have to choose one it’s conforming

ek eleh... ye2 je tu 😒.. ko xnk teka ke aku sapa? bosan ah cani

ak dah malas nk layan ni sbenarnya.. nk tanya pape pm jela senang citer tq

pahal kau ingt aku taufiq plak 😑... biarlah identiti aku menjdi rahsia bila2 nnt aku mengakulah aku ni siapa btw its a good try... try la lgi next time

good try ape do? main bantai je ha3.. ok l'll be waiting

owhhh tau pun nk brmaafan sempena hri raya... arghh aku x kira, aku nk gak kuih raya tu (tp make sure sedap la ya ?) ... btw kau tau ke aku siapa ????

sape do? ak x pandai teka teki ni 😲

owh camni ah kau.. kedekut ngan aku kan.. xpe2 lenkali tknk bg kau gak 😤

ala jgn cmni! nk raya ni.. kene saling maaf memaafkan 💆

who do u think the girl is? can u tell me her name (one name that come across to ur mind)?

i got nothing bruh 😂

mi, hang x buat kuih raya ke thn ni? klau buat, nk skit

huh? kuih raya yg mana?? bnyk sgt ah kuih ak buat 😌

huhuhu... what if i said that i know someone who likes u? n i think that both of u seem quite close in college (its just from what i see la)

do i wanna know or not hurmm... tah la should i?? haha XD

why dont u tell her n maybe she hv feeling towards u too? u'll never know if u dont give a try...just saying

it's a maybe which is not worth tryin... like im really used to put my trivial feelings aside n just focus to what's more important

do u hv a crush in ur college?

i must say i have one, but it eventually faded as it become less of a priority since i became too preoccupied with my own studies heh

If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?

SHOWERR! i mean how could u sleep when ur hands are dirty and laying on the bed smelling wrench as hell


Language: English