
Holly McCreadie'xo

Ask @holberto

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why did you whistle at me today

I whistle all the time, whoever this is I swear it wasn't intentionally to you hahaha

What is the one thing everyone is looking for?

Happiness aint it, someone to share everything with like

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What's the last book you read?

The last book I read fully till the end was probably 'The Fault In Our Stars'.

Do you prefer talking or texting?

aaahh depends who. People i'm really close to - talking.. and folk i dont really talk to - texting

Do you have phobias?

I AM ARACNAPHOBIC HOWEVER YOU SPELL THAT. And im like everyone else with heights ..bit shaky but yeah bugs spiders beasties. .no.

Which do you think is more important: following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams?

Your own

What do you think people think of you?

Some - she's a scaff, gad what a state, how does she even live. Others - she's beautiful, funny, my best friend. I know I have people who think I'm amazing, and I know I have people who think I'm nothing. But can we really get to the bottom of the question - do you give one fuck about what people think of you? Quick answer? Get your head out your ass.

What is one thing you refuse to share?

The secrets that I'd only tell my friends/the secrets my friends tell me.


Language: English