

Ask @hucci

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What does it mean when a man looks at other women when he is with his girlfriend?

That he is ((Saudi)) xd
loooool just kidding
it mean That he dosen't deserve her
but This depends on the" look" kind -_-

What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?

lma rkbt l,car with josef w ho m39b :s
yaaarb anh wdana ll,5rrrj O_o

Why do women live longer than men?

wla ma a7s hl,klaam 97 bl,3ks al,rjl al,s3odi y3eeesh a6wl mn al,mr2h -_-
l2no al,s3odi gbl km sna kan ykkrf om zojta w y5leha tjeb 3yal kther bs L<7MDLLH BDa YT3'YYR TFKERHM .. o 3la kl 7al el,a3mar byd allh *-^

يافاشلات -___- هذه اكثر كلمه كنت اسمعها بالاختبارات النهائيه بعد الا ختبارات ياطبيكم كانت اكثر كلمه ترددينها ههههههههههههههههه

amana 7seet eni shrera :S
bs a7sn kna nstaaahl <-- ll7een feha shr =D

Would you prefer to have the power to fly or be invisible?

My dream is to fly over the rainbow so high <-- wooow love this song nd of course i wanna to fly =D

ايش الي يأثر فيكي اكثر الكلام او الافعال مثلا بطريقه التعبير عن حب او غضب الـــــخ

al f3l akeed :s

Who was your childhood hero? Who is your hero now?

it was my father and still is, but maybe I have a new little hero XD

What was your greatest success?

I don't feel that I have one yet but I hope that I have my success soon :D

What makes you really mad?

When I see the streets and the money that has been spent ON THEM and the problem is that it is getting worse
ALSO when I see children everywhere suffering and no one does anything!
as well as seeing education and hospitals turn from bad to worse - oh GOD if I start I will never end -_-


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