
Hunter Makenna

Ask @hunter_makenna

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What?? I wouldn't have the guys to tell a girl that **laughing emoji**

Who is this? *laughing emoji*

Why wouldn't he flat out tell you what would he say??

Because he wouldn't. Nobody ever just says something like that, then says it's them. If it really is you then text me.


I don't believe that. Cause Devin wouldn't have just flat out said it was him. Text me if it really is you then.

Well that song makes me think of you bc no matter what I'll be next to you through thick and thin and don't want to lose you and you're worth fighting for and I'll take a bullet for you you mean the whole world to me I couldn't live with myself if I lost you you're perfect beautiful youre all I need

Who is this?

That's good and you're welcome have you heard that song "next to you" by Chris brown??

Uhhhh yeah?

Ik you are hunter bc you've forgiven me a couple times and I have t done or said anything rude towards you since then

So then what's the big deal about telling me who you are? Please just text me.

Yes you have told me that you don't like and blame myself for that bc I did something completely stupid to cause that and I should be the sorry one

Well text me. I'm pretty forgiving person, as long as you don't do anything else rude towards me.

Bc if you know who I am then you'll know that I think you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met and that I really like you but then it doesn't matter anymore bc you don't like me

Well I don't know who you are. So how do you know I don't like you? Have I ever flat out told you I don't like you? If I have I'm sorry. But just text me and tell me who you are.

Bc you don't like me and when we're in person and at school and I talk to you I feel different and I'm not afraid to be myself around you and you make me a different person and it's a good person and the last day of school was kind of disappointing to me bc I was gonna miss you a whole lot

Did we have any classes together?

You'd prolly be surprised if you found out who

Why does everyone do that to me? Why would I be so surprised?

The message you said was the sweetest thing ever. I don't think you would believe that it was me if I told you.

I mean it is really sweet. But I'm just not that good at telling someone how grateful I am for their compliment without sounding as if I liked them, or something. And I wish I could be better at saying thank you but I'm not really sure how too. Especially if I don't totally agree with what they're saying. The message was really sweet but I don't view myself the way I guess you view me.


Language: English