

Ask @hyries

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greetings to you, fellow earthlings. infinite's l here nice to meet you.

olla and bonjour back to you, sir. hyeri is here. nice to meet you too!! smiles.
Liked by: dots . l

/shakes head, laughing slightly. that was such a stupid move on my part -- ugh. my fingers need to go on diet so they won't make stupid mistakes like that again. ; ; ♡ oh, wow a coincidence - you're totes fabulous. heh. /pinches your cheeks. and yes, i'd love to! ; ;

(/laughs along with you.) the past is in the past!! let it go. let it go. (/casually hums to let it go song.) keep moving forward. people don't talk about your scandal with eunhyuk anymore. so relax. teehee. i'm here to protect you. (/pats my chest like a hulk.)
Liked by: dots .

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oooooooooooooh good one. but mine was better. teehee

styles > malik. huehue. since its only two of us so, the group's name will be no direction.
Liked by: dots .

omg. really?? jimin in a maid uniform? ew. killed. 8) weeps. if you say so- but i just want you to be healthy and happy ok. ♡

revives you with saliva kisses huahua. yes! jimin in maid uniform and she looked so funny. i just - digs my own grave. jk. hahaha.
Liked by: dots .

jongjeng - wow. hello hyeri, it's nice to finally meet you. whispers discreetly I'm a fan

kawaii nicknamw from lee hyeri to kim jongdae, ok. jongjeng hoho. wow a fanboy!! you deserve a fanservice from sojin bc i'm lazy like that. :-) jk. oho.

i'm pleased to meet you as well, hyeri. salutes you with two fingers, smile sauntering onto his lips. what's your favorite color?

mirrors your smiles and salutes back like a soldier. what's with the random question. covers my mouth and burst out in laughter. oh well, its blue. sky blue to be exact. screams. what's your favorite animal?

{` bows dramatically before laughing } you are welcome~ eat well please!

yoon bomi ✌
i am enjoying the foods. itzs sho nishe. (/tries to talk while my mouth is full with foods, laughs.)

right here! {` flourishes to EPIC LUNCH MEAL }

yoon bomi ✌
(/dramatically gasps.) big lunch meal from yoon bomi. what a lucky day i have here. huehue arigatou ne. < 3

totes not cute. /pouts. :c whispers, i'm not really active after what happened but i have a secret one! c; i'll give you the username, bb! < 3 it's my favorite song from you guys! so cute. i wanted to keep you in my pocket! c: laughs omg. that's wonderful and fabulous that you're doing so well!

(/pokes your pout, chuckles softly.) oh right! omg that scandal - about you and eunhyuk oh my. i remember that. (/pats your shoulder lightly.) please do so that i can spam your mentions, gahaha. wee fabulous omg my fave word. and yay! whispers, we should do something oho.

good night, hoho. ♡ sleep well, okie? dream of me- kicked. jk. but seriously though, make sure you rest enough! we'll miss you. ♡

screams. i dreamt of you! and jimin. you both were dancing to sugar in my dreams with maid uniform. gasps. what's that supposed to mean, okno. ehehe. i'm okay here, dont worry about me. wee. ♡

barkhyun imnIdaA and ily already xo

hello there byun bark- i mean, byun baekhyun! hyeri is here and my grandma loves to you too. xo.

screams and waves happily. guess what? an eunji a day keeps the sadness away. laughs. hello there.

screams and waves back in return. really? omona. then, let me keep an eunji in my pocket so that i won't feel sad < 3 huehue.

sobs bc i forgot to unanon --- bb, please, i should be the one tweeting about how i'm with korea's qt darling. < 3 aw, now that we've met, can you teach me the twinkle twinkle dance? /laughs; the song's so cute! ; w ; i'm good, thanks for asking! what about yourself? c:

omg hahaha, that's so cute of you. pats your shoulder. ehe.
but bb, wait what. since when you have a twitter? omona shakes fist. why i didn't follow you. < // 3
twinkle twinkle, oh my - that's really an old song haha but sure.
first, you need to roll on the floor then wiggle your butt! tadah. ok jk. don't do that.
yay that's good to hear! i'm doing super duper mega ultra good too here cx oho.


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