
Nawaf Karmustajιι.

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What are the three things that you cannot live without?

Comp and Internet, Music (Famous PPL) and Nina Dobrev

What do you think are the secrets to a longer, healthier life?

Drink coke eat candy and do anything you want

Which one of your sibblings do you like the most ?

All of them but I would like to throw a brick at them when I get angry But I love them

Would you watch buffy or supernatural :) ?

i watched Buffy season 1 only and supernatural season 4 so I would watch Supernatural
Liked by: Aziz

Which role suits Nina Dobrev most, Katherine or Elena?

its like she said shes a little bit of both but i think shes more Elena

If you had three wishes, what would they be?

To be a vampire power but not drink blood, to have the ability to fly and 3 more wishes

How long does love live?

Love is an normal thing to me if you don't mean it then you don't believe in love but if you really mean it then it'll last forever but quarter of me says to believe in love is hurtful if your willing to give everything to a person who isn't willing to give it back and there will be sadness in our life so that part hates love and sometimes doesn't believe in it, real love I believe but ,fake love i don't. wwow this is too much

Top 5 paramore songs please :D

2.Let The Flames Begin
3.That's What You Get
5.Brick By Boring Brick
if i could say more
6.Feeling Sorry
7.Looking Up
9.Playing God
10.Misery Business
I mean i like them all

Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff? And why?

Slytherin Cuz of evil and ofc the one who must not be named tom

Vamps with fangs or without (if that is even possible)

Vampire Fangs ofc I'dd threaten people to bite them if they didnt give me what i wanted or I'dd be more cool
Liked by: Hasan AlRashed

Paul wesley or ian somerhalder?

I cant choose both I like Ian is a good guy and hes dating Nina and Paul is a good actor I cant


Language: English