what vball team were you on last year wuz it a good team wat position did u play

lol i was on the 14-3s at SVVC which is good since there were like 6 teams for 14s..and ya my team was good i miss them and i play libero (:

Latest answers from kino

tbh I haven't seen u in forever we should talk/ hangout more

i know!): and yess for sure text me whenever

tbh your asian and asian are dope af ....btw I dont know you that well but your pretty funny and supa chill!

hahaha thank youu! but wait who is this?

Me: tbh youre super sweet & we need to hang sometime(-: bailey: tbh imy & ily and cant wait to hang this weeek

annie behm
aw thank you and yess text me sometime(: & love and miss you too and same!

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