

well I did, so you are :)

I'm not sure this being stalked should be considered a compliment though. But whatever floats your goat. (yes, goat)
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Latest answers from sam

why did you have to make this story with the worst ending? I cried too much.....

"worst ending" uhm i'm pretty sure it could be a lot worse

THH was better than any other book have ever read. thanks for that. I HAVE A CRUSH ON SETH EVERETT

then you haven't read enough books

Thanks for THH Sam.. I can't seem to move on from tht book.. if I am Kyla I would hold on to Seth tightly.. I feel someone like Seth is worth it? If you're Kyla, would you wait for him ?

i mean, i had a seth, and it was nice for a while till he told me he couldn't get over his ex and he stopped talking to me and now i hardly ever think of him and i'm happily in love with a different boy (who is now my boyfriend).....
i guess it would depend on a case to case basis, but i don't think i'm the type of person who would hold on to a person who isn't trying to hold onto me too. i mean jesus i have enough self esteem issues to deal with, i don't want to be hung up on a guy who can't fall in love with me because he can't get over an ex who treated him like shit HAHAHAHAH

Hey Sam! I was really surprised when I found out that you are kierra97. I loved Unexpectedly so much. And you never came back, and now I find you at the new account with even better books, and I can't be any happier. I was just wondering what happened to that acc. Were you logged out or something?

sorry for leaving things off like that!! i had both the kierra and the sam account while i was working on remy unenchanted. kierra was my main account and sam was my experimental account. imagine how disappointing it was for me to get less reads on my kierra account where i put a lot more effort than on my sam account, where i posted a story simply as an experiment.
this experiment was thh.
i got fed up at the time bc all the stories ranking in the what's hot list were ones that had steamy descriptions. like, the writing was always less than mediocre and the plot weren't all that original and i was very disheartened because i was trying my best in my kierra stories but they weren't getting much feedback.
so i made a side account (sammadison), then i thought of a cliche plot, challenged myself to make it original (i didn't really succeed lol), and slapped on a steamy description (which i later took down when the story got enough reads). i posted chapter 1 and promoted it a little at the share your story club, then i promptly forgot about my sammadison account until around 3 months later. when i checked it again, the chapter had 500 votes.
my kierra stories were getting around 50 votes, then, and it made little sense to continue writing there--though i tried. i really did. but little by little, i became more invested in my sam account, found new friends there, and i started to really make an effort with thh instead of just fooling around with it.
i slowly fell out of touch with my old account, and now i use sam as my main.

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Omg haha I really like to know the authors perspective, I didn't even realise it hahaha Also, I just wanted to let you know that I'm already in love with Colin. He's so different from normal mmcs that I can't help but like his awkwardness AND I THINK SADIE HAS A CRUSH ON HIM or had???

I LOVE COLIN he's a fun character to write. a bit liimiting, bc sometimes i think of flirty banter but i can't put it in bc colin can't flirt to save the world.
(i think that's why perry exists. i need perry so i can write my flirty lines out HAHAHAHA)
as for your question............ hehehehehe ;)

YES! Hadley's character development was so wonderful! She was expressive and actually took the first lead asking dexter out and it's so clearly seen that she's really grown as a person. I think they would work out with their current dynamics, what do you think??

i love how you still managed to throw the question back at me hahahaha yup! i think they would work out. i can still see a few problems popping along the way but i'd like to think they'd be able to grow together through them

where do you write? like on a notebook, in your laptop, phone, etc

mostly laptop, sometimes my phone (when i'm stuck in traffic)

Hey Sam! I reread nhf a while back and I wanted to ask you, do you have an idea as to what could happen after the epilogue? Do you see them getting back together or do you think they'd eventually drift apart and stuck to being friends?

well, hadley has learned to love herself a little. and she's also more expressive and all. and did you see the way dexter reacted to hadley asking her out? it was written as an email convo but i could just totally see dexter falling off his chair or something. i mean, idk what do you think????? :)))))))))

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