
Spencer Kane

Ask @IAmSpencerKane

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i dont know why you blocked me on twitter :'( because i love you so much, idk

spammers or inappropriate posts get blocked by my marketing manager.

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1. Who is Hannah? 2. Is she your girlfriend? 3. Did you stop that person from bullying on here because she was bullying you or you and Hannah? :)

Swag Girl
Hannah is a fan. not a gf. I don't know if the bully stopped or not.

I love how you're against bullying so much. Its nice to see at least some people in the world still have a heart. I literally cried when I saw your music video for One Of The Kind. Ive been victimized by bullies. Your music has changed me. I love you, thank you! P.s I'm the girl from NJ you called(:

Katelyn Lauziere
thank you

Ignore this haters. I think you perfect. Dont let them get u down. I will always be here! And i think ur doing the right thing about contacting the police about this cyber bullying stuff. Im with you 100%! Stay strong. <333333

I'm not worried at all about haters. I get hate every day from someone and have learned it goes with trying to do something positive for yourself or others. I just don't think haters and cyber bullies understand that what they are doing isn't helping themselves become better people. It's only making them look stupid and desperate.

I've got 2 more questions.... Do you and Hannah talk to each other at all? And Did you show/tell your parents about this?

I talk to Hannah online. Of course, and they are the ones who deal with the police and lawyers on cyber bullies like you. :)

You dont have to get anyone involved. I know I shouldnt have sent hatemail to you or Hannah. Sorry. We good?

I will get authorities involved as long as I see hate mail or bullying online. That's your choice. You control your actions, not me. Not sure why you feel the need to do what you've done, but you are in danger of legal action and being arrested if you continue to choose. Just letting you know. I hope you make right choices from now on.


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