
That Woman

Once we can literally share experiences with like-minded people around the globe, will the effect open up our minds or be homogenising like so much of social media now? Oh yeah, I'm referring to after The Singularity.

I don't think we will ever be able to do that. If we can - if we can literally be in someone else's shoes and experience the totality of their subjective experience- then yes things will change, as we will have sundered one of the hallmarks of discrete individuality.

Latest answers from That Woman

May is my favourite time of year in Ontario. What month do you enjoy the most here? :)

I think I have to agree. May is amazing!

Would you rather be royalty or a reality TV star?

Royalty. You can still be a reality TV star if you want, and you get to be Queen!

How do you prefer to travel?

Any traveling is good. Planes are not fun because of my long legs and no space. I'd like to be rich enough to afford first class and actually enjoy flying.

Do you wear any jewelry?

I do! I always have on two rings I inherited from my maternal grandmother and grandfather, and I sometimes wear necklaces and earrings and so on

Do you have anything of value to you say? You just seem to promote transphobia and act as propaganda against the legitimacy of trans people.

Well you're still mad enough to be asking me questions weeks later. That's pretty valuable

Language: English