
Eric C-A

Ask @icheb

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Do you still have a diary?

My website, containing backups of all my social media post in various websites and apps, functions like my diary.
Liked by: wintermoon

Have you ever felt like you want to run away? To just leave everything and go somewhere far where nobody knows you...

I did this once. No one knew I did it. I deliberately made my social media posts (text and photos) vague on where I were that time.

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Bakit hindi na kayo nag-uusap?

Seryoso ang usapan pero hindi ka sineryoso. Ayan, wala na silang kuwentang kausap.

Sunset or Sunrise?

Both. But, if I am already sleeping, please don't wake me up to see the sunrise; I will not be in a good mood to see it.


Language: English