@igotamatch#7 🇬🇧


Ask @igotamatch

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What kind of games do you like to do on ask? (Letter game, send in a number of a question, confessions, etc) I'm doing a letter one on my page!

Teach me some , crabby ? xx

Question Of The Day...: I'm going to stop sending out Questions Of The Days because well meh.... I'm also going to deactivate Ask.fm forever later on... Also, going to stop with this ".exe" crap.... So ya. Opinion on this? Will you miss meh? xD

MY OPINION ~ you are so naughty , telling such lies ; tell nice ones instead >
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcjpags7JT8igotamatch’s Video 136326902650 rcjpags7JT8igotamatch’s Video 136326902650 rcjpags7JT8

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Would you say you have more good or bad experiences while using askfm?

the only really bad woz when the bass banned me , they will still have to pay , no forgiveness for that , hell awaits them ;
there's only been 3 shits who pist me off with nastiness , but that was the limit of their intellect . . . . feel sad them , their loss ; but misunderstandings hurt @ the time .
There are an overwhelming number of wonderful people who really warm my heart ~ i could never hope to count them . . . .
Would you say you have more good or bad experiences while using askfm

Do you have anyone around you who's a hoverer?Basically they are always around you looking over your shoulder butting in on conversations and just generally being a pest?Thats my supervisor right now.

That , doesn't sound good at all , in fact it's really bad ; it can even cause impotence .
Is the sup. male or female?
~if male , turn around & deliver a shoulder driven punch to his beak . If you don't hear a satisfying crunch , do it again . & again until you do .
~if female , turn around & sneeze in her face , delivering as much snot as you can . . . . then say : "oh! excuse me , i did not see you standing there - then offer a heavily soiled tissue . . .
~regarding the male option , take out unemployment cover first , with unlimited legal cover . . .
Liked by: Victoria

If you could write your own horoscope what would it say?

it wouldn't matter , coz it's the choices we make that count ; what's written in the stars is irrelevant .
. . . . but , for fun , ~ omg it's a secret !

Ever been kissing someone while chewing gum and transferred the gum from your mouth to theirs?

when we were kids we used to do this all the time . . . .we used to fight for a shot of the underside of the toungue . . . . . those were such innocent days of blissful confusion ~ can i go back , please
Liked by: Juan the man

What is your favorite lie?

People who love lies should never have been born ; they are not worthy of life ; they have no right to the air they breath . . . . they are a vile menace ; why would any one with an ounce of humanity about them have a "favourite lie" ?
I ask YOU , BADmin , are YOU the "Father of Lies" ?
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Yes it was good! Well said! As always! :) xoxo

You've been such a brick , especially to today . . . xx (omg i do hope that translates ok into A-merry-cantanese!!!) ~ you've been such a friend!!! xx

What's an Internet trend you just didn't get the point of?

ophuk i just donno , i was falling asleep , took a drink ; helpt 4 a while , now crashing ; probs anything that trends i don get
Liked by: Ashgog Juan the man

Which alcohol brand made famous the "wasssssaaaaaaaappppppppppp " phrase which was made even more famous (or annoying depending on how you viewed it) by which Movie ?

I'm afraid total clueless
Liked by: Ashgog

you have kids??how old are they??

mvdc16’s Profile PhotoVictoria
Well , strictly speaking , they not so much kids now ; there were 3 of them , but they're all older than me now ; this is because , when they were aged 6 , 7 , & 9 ; I became solo parent to they , & I brought them up on my own . . . . I got left behind ; the baby in my profile pic is my first born , when he was 11 he was found to be aspergers , a type of autism ; he is now older than i was then . . x
Liked by: Victoria Ashgog

What's your favorite type of bird?Mines the middle finger

THIS bird is a buzzard , though it doesn't betray it's size adequately here ; it's UK's 2nd largest indigenous after the GOLDEN EAGLE ; my daughter is an expert on ; this was taken on her bedroom window . . . . they been feeding it (btw~ note the beautiful view of the eildon hills) . . . . IT WILL TAKE YOUR MIDDLE FINGER CLEAN OFF! bird or no ! LMFBRO!!!!
Whats your favorite type of birdMines the middle finger
Liked by: Ashgog

Who are some people you’d like to meet someday?

mvdc16’s Profile PhotoVictoria
This is a difficult question ! Because the thing is ~ would they want to meet ME ! LOL it's funny , coz i was just thinking about this , then . . . the reality hit . . . if you were referring to meeting people from on here? Ask is very much a temporary thing , people mostly use it @ a particular (development) (or transitional) stage in their life , then they move on . . . then there others who have , perhaps , gotten stuck with their lives , like a ship foundering on the rocks . . . But Ask is changing a little ; the thing is it enough that friendships (or more) could make the leap to reality? isn't this just escapism ?
there's a number of people -like yourself- that i'd dearly love to meet . . . if only it were possible :~)) xxxx
This , profoundly describes my situation on ASK ; it's heavy ; don't let it get you down (LMFBO!!!) xx
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSEfNvty0Rs&indexigotamatch’s Video 136291063674 bSEfNvty0Rsigotamatch’s Video 136291063674 bSEfNvty0Rs

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igotamatch’s Video 136291063674 bSEfNvty0Rsigotamatch’s Video 136291063674 bSEfNvty0Rs
Liked by: Ashgog Victoria


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