
Ilma K.

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Sebenernyaa apa gunanya org pacaraan?? 💦

kalo aku jawab "memenuhi kebutuhan afeksi dan saling menyemangati satu sama lain untuk terus tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai potensi dan mimpi masing-masing" kamu bakal kecewa ga, menilik pertanyaanmu diakhiri dengan emoji itu?
Liked by: tigo129

aku paling ga suka kalo ketemuan sama orang dari sosmed, takut saling kecewa. wajar kan?

Life is full of disappointments.

Lg sibuk apa akhir2 ini il?

Skripsi, work, waking up each morning regretting my life decisions, not sleeping at night regretting the choices I never made, filling the void inside with depression and anxiety; you know, the usual.
Liked by: Puspa

ilma masih main piano gak?

Wah, udah lama engga. Akhir-akhir ini lebih akrab sama ukulele soalnya. Di rumah masih main sih kadang, tapi udah lama sekali sejak terakhir main dan belajar lagu baru. Jadi kangen.

Huyy~ Gimana kabar ndhuuk? Kok tiba2 dah ada gandengan ajaaa. Mbok sinii ceritaa~

PutrikaCitta’s Profile PhotoPutrika Citta
mamaaah! iya kita lama ga bertukar kabar euy:") ayoklah agendakan ketemu biar ceritanya enak hehehe sekalian catching up kabarrr

I dont know about him but I know u. I feel happy for u both, semoga dia ga nyakitin kamu ya Il.

I'm not sure if I know you too, dearest Anon, but thank you very much for your kind words. I pray for the same thing every day, even when I'm at my happiest with him. A girl's gotta look out for herself, am I right? Thank you again for the wishes, sending back love and starshine your way, cheers!

When was the last time you danced?

A couple of weeks ago at Books & Beyond. It was a slow waltz.

Ilma kakakmu kenapa ganteng banget?

alifstria’s Profile PhotoAlif Satria
I'm not gonna answer this question, I'm just gonna let it out into the world so people can see how narcissistic you are. And before you deny anything; your question is not proof of self-love.
Oh, and happy birthday, dude. You're old. Ew.
Liked by: Alif Satria

It’s Saturday night! Would you rather stay home with the one you love or have a fun party with your best friends?

Stay home. Titik. Ga pake "with ....." mbikos quiet nights at home are for me and myself only.


Language: English