
Sarah Elizabeth Taylor

Ask @ilovetheooze

What was the last movie you watched? Did you like it?

The Dark Knight Rises. And, yes! It is one of my favorite superhero films. <3

If you had the chance to change your name, what would it be?

I've always wanted to be called Olivia Valentine. :)

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Have you ever stolen anything?

Nope! Unless you count weird shit like that copy of the New York Times that was left over on the shelf at the end of the day at UMKC (it was free to students, but I am technically not a student, so I felt bad in taking it. Even if literally no one at UMKC reads the Times [fools--seriously, how does that shit get left over? On a fucking college campus? Shaking my damn head, vigorously]).

Do you prefer to answer questions or ask them?

Definitely answer. Oh, my God, I love to talk about myself. Way, way too much. :'( #issues

Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

I am very impulsive, because I honestly cannot be otherwise. :'(

Do you prefer to eat at a restaurant or at home?

Eating out is honestly my favorite thing to do. I am in love with Vietnamese food. :)

What do you think animals think about humans?

Depends upon the animals and the humans in question; every creature has a distinct personality, so reactions will vary according to circumstance.

Do you prefer vintage or new?

I like both? My pants and tees are usually new, but many of my accessories are vintage.

What quality do you value most in your friends?

A compassionate/nurturing personality (my brother is a very supportive listener).


Language: English