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Ask @imacarrot3

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What is your favorite way of wasting time?

Um texting Cole ( my boyfrienddd ), Justin ( my bestfrienddd ), or eating.
Defiantly eating. Maybe some reading. Mainly eating though.

What is the most played song in your music library?

Probably most likely almost positive but basically don't know and am guessing on this, is that it's probably Absolute by The Fray.

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oh jas i think he likes you. :D AND YES ITS ON MY PROFILE PAGE AND MY PROFILE PIC. but omg okay ill be happy to see a pic (you can inbox it here or whatever if you dont wanna show his face everywhere) omg im excited

Haha I'm on my iPad I can't righ--
I don't think he does.
We live a block away from each other xD

If you could live anyone's life for a day, who would it be?

Louis Tomlinson.
Or my crushes. Yeah, him too.

I HAVE A PRETTY DRESS! :D and tell me those stories

Okay, so I forget them,but I have this new crush. ( I have pictures! ) His name is Antonio, he's Italian. Me and him are 1/2 an inch height wise apart. ( him taller ). He's uncle owes this awesome Italian bakery, we text every day and he's funny and sweet and OMG.
We've talked almost everyday ( two day exception ) since we left DC. ( School field trip. ) which was about two, three weeks ago. ( Three weeks last Friday. ) on the bus ride home the whole way, even after we stopped for dinner, he let me lay on him and stuff. ( he smells heavenly. ) my friends still make Italian / French jokes. ( cuz I'm kinda French. ) and and I'm getting a funny feeling in my chest thinking about it.
My one friend even says it may be love and I'm just thinking um it's only been three weeks what crack are you on, but there's always love at first sight.
On the topic of sight his eyes are beautiful oh my gosh I could stare into them every single day for the rest of my life. ( he also plays baseball and football. ) I go to all his baseball games, and I'll have to go to all his football games next year because I'm in marching band.
And did I mention how good he smells and how sweet he is. Omg.
Okay, I'm done.

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Liked by: Tabbatha

I'm prepared to listen

I forgot all my stuff. And I was swamped with finals! So sorry!
Liked by: Tabbatha

What do you like best about your hometown?

The fucking fact I like someone and he likes me back and we both know we like each other but he won't ask me out and people thought we were dating and he didn't deny it.
OMG my lyff.
Liked by: Tabbatha

Do you prefer books or movies?

I'd like to say books, but sometimes some movies are better than the books.
And some movies aren't.
So I guess I depends

If dogs never existed, which animal would take its place as Man's Best Friend?

No it wouldn't be an animal, mans best friend would be food get yer facts straight, ask,
Liked by: Tabbatha

are you the one who won game maker's game where he gives away his identity as the prize?

No sorry. </3

hello, beautiful people. i want you to know that i love you and so many other people do to. everyone [okay, maybe not the unappreciative haters but] loves what you do for us all. whether it be sending love, writing stories or encouraging. thank you. have a wonderful day! x


What's the worst thing someone can do on a first date?

Ask if they can
1. Lick you
2. Drink your pee
3. Ask if you are willing or want to have a threesome
4. Attempt to murder you [ Kate ]
5. Be totally ugly
6. Try to be all trendy but end up looking gay. Like, I mean literally in all tight clothes and stuff.
7. Dry hump you
8. Say they are a man/woman in disguise who wants your d/v
9. Be a hobo
10. Bring his mother
And that's all I'm gonna say.

Crush news?

so today like we barely talked but he just got out of a relationship. But seriously, I've liked him for a year and is is ridiculous yo. I ended up breaking up with the guy that asked me out because, yeah I liked someone else. I did like him but it was awkward and such, but he completely understood.
But seriously.
And the other guy I like, I was leaving school and he literally blew on my ears ( My most sensitive spot, seriously it's horrible. ) and I like spazzed. And he did that just for my attention to say bye and such. This one, he's so much nicer than my other one though. Me and the other one tease each other more, as to where me and this one have so much more in common.
But this was my day with them. Yey
Liked by: Alyssa


Language: English