Ask @imayse

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How do you, I bet more than one person added you? I wanted to blend in :P

because i do:) + is your name Ryan Oxtoby? ( if that is not your name, then this is very awkward) :)

Yes, I couldn't let you continue life without knowing the truth about it all :/ I just added you on Facebook cause I'm just that cool ;D

ok, thankyou very much:) + oh, now i know who you are, yay:)

Well I just had to make sure you knew :P And I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you, but it's not normal :(

haha okay:) + oh, thankyou for telling me though, it was very nice of you to tell me the truth x :(

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Hi Ayse it's your slave. What can I do for you?

oh, hey again and um..i dont have anything you can do, cos im nice

Sarcasm m'dear, it's not normal ;) I'm always right too, It's a great ability to

i know it was sarcasm:p + oh ,,i thought it was normal:( + haha, im sure you are

Girl,I like you,I'm in love with you even If I am a girl lol. Can you ask me anything please?it is a new page.. And have nothing to do,no one asks me anything :( xxx

oh yay+um, i will later because im on my phone, so i will later x

Everyone likes classing boys as pretty, that's not weird at all ;) Oh, I'm extremely good looking, you're right there ;)

haha, i know..its very normal;)&hahah, im always right:p x

I'm a guy, but you can still class me as pretty if you want :') Yeah you have some weird followers. And now they're getting aggressive to you? Bless them :P

oh right;$ i like classing boys as pretty;) + but im sure you are goodlookingg:)+yes i do haha, strange people x

People like you who get treated differently annoys me, you dont deserve to pissed around by boys, your way to nice as a person that you deserve someone who treats you like a princess, and like everyday around you is a like heaven, and you will find that person, dont let anyone get you down sweet<3<3

OMG, that made me smile so much, ok. cutie xx

You're really pretty. Just thought I'd let you know :P But you do get asked some weird questions on here :L

thankyou very much , im sure you are very pretty/hot (depending on weather you are a boy or girl) and yes, you are correct..i get asked really weird questions:L haha x

how far have you gone?? dont say to tesco or something trying to be funny

ive never had a boyfriend or kissed anyone 4eva alone ;) ;) ;)

can i lick ur pussey right out and cum in ur mouth ? xxxx

OMG WHY ARE PEOPLE SO SEXUAL:( :( who are you? hahaha

if i tell you who i am will you get into be with me ?

yes, of course i will..i like getting into bed with strangers.

Just 3 people who you think it is;) its a boy by the way;)

but i dont know cos i have no idea , but i went onto all their profiles and on their profiles it says they live in melksham+this is their initials hahah; so jh, jl, am, kt, lm, pc, rt..THAT WAS SO MUCH EFFORT, haha..not many of them live in melksham:p

will you send me a full body picture ? x

yes, i will if you tell me who you are (im not really going to, i just want to know who you are) :):):)


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