Ask @imnanas

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tay! i watched the replay of laboum m&g and they read your message. I screamed of joy for you :)

ah i know omg i cried thank u! they've read every message of mine so far im so so so lucky ;u; i love solbin so much laboumj r amazing pls

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i saw in your bio that you are an admin for laboumdaily... i always though you were an admin for laboumfans, did you switch or am i just silly and didn't realise all this time?? haha

Nope I've been with Laboumdaily the whole time, never Laboumfans haha.

tbh seeing those asks i can only think og gfrienddaily's adminds asking that? and i dont even know them lmao

idk what to say

who are your biases in gfriend along with sowon? I've always been curious about that

I don't really have any. I love them all pretty much equally but Sowon's a bit above. I guess if I really /had/ to choose it'd be like: Sowon > Yuju = SinB > Yerin = Eunha > Umji.

i watched the raw of gfriends show and its so cute (even though i didnt understand anything lol) what are your impressions about them now that you're translating a show completely about them (and dogs)?

I love them a lot more! You can really see their personalities, you'll be able to tell more once the subs come out but Yuju went up my bias list a lot after the first ep.

Hey Tay sorry to bug but how does that ordering the cake and delivering it process happen? I would like to send a cake to a group I like in the future as well but I'm not sure how to do it ;;;

It's a little complicated, feel free to dm me!! I'd be more than happy to help. I'd need to ask you questions and stuff.

I'm sorry about that anon... We will wait for you! You're the best, you're worth all the time, and you're not even taking long, you're super fast! I used to sub before, and never got to be as fast as you are

Haha thank you ;u;

To prev anon subbing takes a very long time and requires a lot of effort. appreciate it.

Exactly, you have to first watch, then translate which could take /hours/ depending on the length of the video, then timing, making everything look nice.. I try to be as quick as I can, some subbing teams take a lot longer.

y are u taking forever to sub weekly idol

I'm waiting for the first half to be timed, it'll be done when it's done, don't be impatient. You're lucky I'm even bothering, I should be doing schoolwork.

whats the difference between 연애 and 사랑

연애 is dating/the act of being in a relationship, 사랑 is love/being in love

hi! I have a question about korean. 이/가, 은/는 are basically the first grammar point that people learn when learning korean, but after a few years I'm still confused. when do you use, for example, 나는 or 내가? how do you know which particle to use? thank you!

은/는 is used when you're mentioning something for the first time or making a general statement. 이/가 is used when you're identifying something that the other person is already aware of. Kind of think of it like the and this, you're less likely to hold an apple up to your friend and say 'THE apple is red', you'd go 'THIS apple is red' because your friend can see said apple. They're aware of it. Say you wanna say the ocean is blue as a general statement, you'd say 'THE ocean is blue' but if you were at the beach and wanted to talk about how the ocean is in front of you right now, you'd go 'THIS ocean is blue'. Even though that's not the literal translation of those particles, when I thought of it that way it really helped me.
Just think of it as (though again not literally)
The = 은/는
This = 이/가

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i believe that weekly idol is easier right? + gfriend's show is too long, its going to take a lot of time actually, but whatever you want master tay

They both have ups and downs~ Weekly Idol is shorter but it's harder to understand what they're saying, GFRIEND's show is longer but I know what they're saying practically straight away. I've already started with Weekly Idol though so I might as well do that first ^^

do you know @soulfuljinri ? i think she can help you with weekly idol subbing ?

I've been speaking to her and she's offered to help already ^^ Hopefully GFRIEND can gain more translators in the future, it makes things a lot easier haha

Hi. I'm new to kpop but I love Laboum and I came across your twitters. I'm so glad you do things for them and for their fans to enjoy. I am learning about them through articles and your tweets. Thank you much~~

Omg. I feel bad because I haven't been paying as much attention to them lately, but I'm glad you love them! Please keep supporting them because they really do deserve it. If you ever wanna know anything ask me~

Do you like hyeri? Do you think she and solbin look alike?

I do like Hyeri! I don't think they /look alike/ but Solbin kinda does resemble her a little, personally I suzy more in her (though 2010 suzy)

i love you, youre without doubt the best translator i've ever seen: beautiful, smart and kind!

Omg I'm crying, thank you so much!

do you speak any languages other than korean/english?

Hungarian but I can't read or write it. My dad's side of the family is from Hungary so I had to speak it to my grandmother etc.

can you please explain the grammar pattern 는데

Not sure how to explain it.. it's like and/but/though. Like say someone said 'Can you do __ for me?' and you answered, 'I can /but/ not right now' you'd use I can + 는데, does that even make sense at all??


Language: English