

Ask @injongdae

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Who is your style role model?

style?? ehhh prob people I see on the street. There are a lot of cool people running around in big cities (not so much my city) and if I like what I see I will try it out! Bc I'm overweight not everything fits me so I try to adjust it a bit to my own body type lmao. So basically, if you're well dressed you're my role model. Congrats

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You're pretty cool. Oh, ask a question. Okay. You're pretty cool?

did askfm just compliment me am I that pitiful omg

why do you like jongdae so much?

I think the real question is, why wouldn't you love jongdae? he is such a joy to stan. He's just making me laugh so much bc he's sassy, charming and shameless. perfect combination. did you ever see jongdae being embarrassed?? He usually never seems to be bc he just does things however they come to him and he just laugh it off. I think that's really admirable. As cute as these shy/embarrassed reactions are, seeing someone just...not giving a fuck and being confident in who they are and what they're doing is so refreshing and nice??? idkidk urgh and honestly, idk if it's just me but i love witty people with a sharp tongue and he definitely has both. I think he makes fun of his members a lot and likes to play around but he never does so in a mean or hurtful way. While i think baekhyun and chanyeol sometimes overstep certain boundaries and don't know when to stop their jokes, jongdae does. and not that i hate baekhyun or chanyeol but they can be so /irritating/.
what's also a thing i really enjoy is that he doesn't let anyone fuck with him HOW DARE YOU TRIED TO TOUCH ME YOU FUCKER YOU WILL FEEL MY WRATH he never stops before anyone and treats everyone equally in that aspect?? I feel like he's the type to speak up when he thinks someone is doing him injustice or is not being fair to him. i have so many problems with that like, usually i just sulk and suck it up and then people will keep treating me like shit so???? It's a trait I'd really admire. but between all the teasing and playing he's so caring too ;; he really seems to take care of the people he loves and i think having kim jongdae at your site is the greatest support you could ever get. HE'S JUST SO OPEN AND FRIENDLY AND CARING AND AWESOME LIKE, HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HIM??? and i don't think i need to mention is voice (or his booty eERHM)
kim jongdae is just a blessing and a person i really look up to and what could you want more from a bias??

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Do you believe in 'love at first sight'?

aww i got another question from askfm bc im so pitiful <///3

What is the one thing you always wanted as a kid, but never got?

a digimon and my own digimon adventure

Do you keep your room clean or messy?

messy....I'll clean it for a day and then it gets messy again I can't help it...I'm like suho I just throw my clothes everywhere and tidy up (a month) later

What angers you the most?

people who spit on the street. they should srsly get their brains checked there has to be a reason they're incapable of fucking leaving it in their mouths

What's the largest amount of money you've ever lost?

15 euros bc i was sitting in a bus with my friends and some boys and boys were like super interesting right? and I had this super small crush on this guy and he took my wallet and then took out the money. to this day idk if he had it or gave it to the guy that was sitting next to him. what I learned: never trust guys bc they're all assholes that will steal your money and never even apologize

Do you treat your body like a Temple or more like an Amusement Park?

amusement park if i treated my body like a temple I'd be on a diet 24/7 and only eat healthy things and maybe use lotion and do sports and that's so not happening (at least not in this life)

What's a warning sign that you're in the presence of bad company?

if people don't listen to you, always interrupt you when you're talking, if they don't wait up for you when you fall behind, they don't keep a seat for you, they never ask how you're doing or how you're feeling, people who make fun of what you love or what's important to you. these are just a few and, in comparison, really small things. but these have always been things that made me feel shitty about myself

What's the best concert you've ever been to?

also breathe carolina was really cool

What color pencil you use for drawing?

it doesn't matter bc every color can be used to stab my victim and then i'll just use their blood to draw

What do you think about marriage?

it's something I never understood like, you can be with the person you love and have children and all that shit without being married?? and just think how much it would cost if you got a divorce hell fucking no it's just super expensive and all you got in the end is a piece of paper congratulations


Language: English