

Latest answers from innes

kok lo mau sih pacaran sama orang problematik. coba cari di search box twitter: rezanufa(spasi) username pacarmu fyi aja sih


nes btw thank you for your words! tp mantan gua ini bakal dpt karma ga si nes? gua pgn dia ngerasain hal-hal yg udh buat gue terluka selama kita jalanin hubungan. krn gua ngerasa udh buang tenaga dan waktu buat treat him so well tp ga dihargain gt. gue pgn dia ngerasain biar ga keulang sma org lain

Kalo gw jadi lo sih mending fokus buat kebahagiaan gw sendiri daripada mikirin orang lain. Namanya pacaran kan ada baik buruknya ya. Gw ga pernah doain yg jelek2 sih buat mantan2 gw. Kalo sekalipun dia nyakitin gw bgt, ya kaya yaudah terus mau gmn? Beberapa kali orang2 yg pernah nyakitin gw unintentionally and intentionally tiba2 ngereach out gw buat minta maaf, di saat gw udah bisa berdamai sama whatever happened between us. The point is, lets be the bigger person here.

ines, gw sedih knp susah move on, gw putus 5 bln yg lalu, cwo gw mutusin gw gt aja pas gw lg overthinking krn kelakuan dia & lg pusing internship sma skripsian. pas gw ketemu terakhir klinya aja dia ngobrol ke gw gmau tatap mata gue, sampe gue sakit pun dia gaada kontak gw, tp tmnnya sakit dia ada.

It’s okay. It’s normal. Grieving is a part of moving on. Now it’s your time to accept the fact that he doesn’t feel the same way about you. Sad isn’t it? But we can’t force someone to love us the way we wanna be loved, if you feel like you’re asking too much then maybe you’re asking the wrong person. So take your time to grieve, but don’t dwell on it. Please know your worth. I know it hurts but its just a phase ok? We’ll get through it❤️

Dont "naah im okay" me mate. Well jst dont forget drink some water ayt? Bcs u look tired today

Okay thanks hehe

Ada yang tau ga transfer univ dari luar ke indonesia? Butuh masukan

Transfer memangnya kamu pemain bola

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