
Sir Rivallie

Ask @inthesoupbowl

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Do you prefer reading the book or watching the movie?

Well usually the book is better, but I don't always have time to read. When I can I like the books better though.

Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

Lonely genius. In a way I kinda am already, I just don't prefer to deal with the stupidity of those around me. Hence the reason I have a small, selective group of friends.

If not an answer say your two best friends. I like Turtles And Whales

I have too many friends xD It's hard to limit

Unicorn Unicorn dancing on rainbows Unicorn Unicorn so magestical! Unicorn Unicorn it poops out sparkles! UNICORNZ RULEZ

What about urinating pudding?

Who's is the best friend you met back on Electro's server

Oh damn.. Well most of the friends I play Minecraft with today stem back from that server. So I really can't say one.

What is the color of the kidney of my wall's rainbow when my grandpa unicorn wears red turdle underpants whilst murdering a snail on Sunday?

What the hell..

Who is a friend that's really annoying but you like them because there annoying and CRAY CRAY

I have so many, where do I start..

Have you ever met a female in a video game you became friends with? By the way. I like turdles too.

Yea I've met quite a few. And turtles are totally awesome.

Who is one of your best minecraft friends you met on a really bad server you never play on but you play on I LIKE WHALES

I don't know, I have a couple like that. But I like turtles.


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