
Josephine Maureen

How would you like to be remembered after you die?

Irda Wandira
There was this man called Zacchaeus in the Bible. I guess many Christians know about him already. He was a short man, a sinner, and a tax collector, whose life was changed when he met Jesus by climbing a sycamore-fig tree. Even hundred years after he died, we all know his name and his story. But we never learned about this other guy,
the one who scattered the seed, which grew into a tree, on which Zacchaeus could find his way to see Jesus.
I wish I can be like that guy. Even after he died and nobody remembers his name anymore, his previous life could bless others and that little action of him could actually save Zaccheus. And God does remember him.
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Latest answers from Josephine Maureen

iphin mau fi sm tbh :p

Grace Audrey Clarissa
tbh: gadis cantiik anak sasjep binus eksis yang pernah sama2 di ukm voli, main voli bareng, trus ngeBC bareng tapi beda batch. sring ngbrol2 dulu sm dy, tp skrg udh jarang ktmu :( anaknya baiik, lucuu, ga sombong, frenlii, seru deh ! hahaha kirain dulu bakal jadian sama yg onoh, eh ternyata takdir berkata lain yah ca... :p

hai cici cetarrr

inilah rahasia kecetaranku
bingung ya napa gua niat banget ngancur2in imej sendiri. iya gw juga bgung.
ya daripada ngancur2in imej orang lain kan.

What is your opinion about same sex marriage?

I've been a nasty sinner for my whole life, done things you won't even imagine someone like me will do, so I'm not any better than homosexuals - for sins are sins, none is bigger than the other. Which is why I don't have any right to judge.
But have you ever hated your best friend for rude pranks? Or your mom for being kepo? Realize that it is the action that you hate, not the person. Though I'm a nasty sinner, this I know: Jesus hates my sins, but loves me too much that He died bearing those nasty sins. And I want to love Him too.
So, I don't hate homosexuals, cause God loves them too, but I don't support the action, for my God doesn't like it either (Lev 18:22, Lev 20:13, 1 Cor 6:9). What He loves I love, what breaks His heart breaks mine.

Fakta tentang binus cii

udah pernah jawab 10 fakta binus, ku coppas & nambahin aja yah non, ku malas soalnya.
1.) bercita2 utk jadi world class university di taun 2020.
ya saat ini sih LCD masi suka mampus, speaker kdg gak nyala, internet & signal ky di goa, dn parkiran syahdan cm cukup buat sejumput kendaraan saja #prayforbinus
2.) biayanya termasuk mahal.
trus krn sistem bayarnya autodebet, ati2 nyimpen duit di rekening, bs tiba2 amblas kalo uda waktunya.
3.) macetnya akbar.
kemacetan brlaku bagi pngendara kndaraan bermotor maupun pejalan kaki.
4.) jadwal liburnya eksklusif.
seringkali kampus lain uda libur kita masi kuliah, trus kita libur mreka mulai masuk.
5.) anti-banjir.
tpi aksesnya dari arah manapun smua banjir. dan krn dia sendiri gak banjir, jangan harap ada libur banjir kcuali bner2 dasyat aer bah cetar.
6.) kalo dapet di syahdan bersyukur krn sgala jenis makanan ada di skitarnya.
ada warteg, KFC, steak, pasta, takoyaki, hokben, nasi kebuli, choipan, nasi campur, es krim singapur, dll.
7.) sangat ber-diversity layaknya tanah air indonesia.
kl di uni negri banyakan pribumi dan di uni swasta lain banyakan tionghua, di binus mah rata. sgala tipe mahasiswa dari sgala latar blakang ada di sini.
8.) yg terkenal bagus jurusan DKV sm IT (yg lain gw kurang tau ga prnah dger kabar)
9.) punya nama yg cukup baik.
bnyak prusahaan yg nganggep lulusan binus bagus2 dan terpercaya, nasional maupun internasional.
10.) marketing nya badai.
mknya banyak banget anak daerah kuliah di binus dari sabang sampe merauke krn promosinya bagus. mrk ud mulai trimain mahasiswa baru sblom uni lain mulai, dan masi buka pndaftaran smpe uni lain kelar.
11.) mahasiswa yg lg magang di luar ttep bayar uang kuliah
ga paham sbnrnya, pdhl saya gak ada kelas loh pak, kok masi ada bayaran? :( pak? pak? PAAAKK?!!?

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Every people has a gift from God. Can you tell what's your gift?

Apparently, the greatest gift human can ever receive is salvation.
But if what you mean is what I think you probably mean, there are 2 kinds of gifts:
1.) Spiritual Gifts
They're the ones you can only receive from Holy Spirit by grace as mentioned in the Bible. Here is a website explaining about them and providing a test - http://www.spiritualgiftstest.com
(but don't expect the test to be 100% true since Spiritual Gifts depend fully on His grace, not your ability, although it may give you an approximation)
2.) Abilities
Also called "talents" by many people, they are the potentials people born with, such as singing, dancing, etc.
So, which of them do you actually ask?

Language: English