

Ask @its_lucylu14

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Why does the bible say the first humans were giants where are their fossils

I don't know. I'm not an expert. I'm learning. I'm not the person you should be going off on. What happened to freedom of speech? Why can't you respect the fact that I'm not fully devoted and I pick and chose. I you were in my situation, you would understand picking and choosing. Oh haven't been in the same places I have been. So maybe religion has saved relationships. I'm honestly done listening to you tell me I'm wrong because I have a right to believe what I want. I know for a fact you haven't been what I've been through. Feel free to talk to me in person sometime and I will be happy to tell you what I've been through and if you and I are twins and have been through that same things, then we can talk.
Liked by: Allie Thompson

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That's why Im saying religion is just not necessary all around. I'm not saying only Christianity

Well idk if there are two people but one of you is suggesting only Christianity. But for some people it is necessary because they need guidelines. Not saying I do but some people do

I'll put it simply: if you're Christian, you believe in the bible. If you believe in the bible, you can't pick and choose. There are racist and sexist and homophobic thing in the bible. You don't have to follow it.

Wrong. I can pick and choose, why? Because no one is making me follow it to a T. Yes I agree I don't have to follow it so I chose what I want to follow and what I think doesn't make any sense.

I'm laughing have you ever read the bible??? It literally is so against women and child and sexuality and promotes rape and killing those who "sin". Religion altogether is this fake idea created by people. We need proof for everything in our lives but it's crazy how people just believe in this stuff

That's funny cause I specifically said I don't agree with many things in the bible.

So you're telling me to forget about the hundreds of children being ostracized by their families or slaughtered due to religion? Just because they don't live by me?

Are you just not thinking... There are other religions in this world and you just happen to pick on the one that does the least amount of harm. Go back to first semester of sophomore World History and learn your religions

You're making this far too emotional....I'm just here to tell you that maybe you should look into a religion more before devoting your life to it.....religion is a construct created by people..never in the dawn of conscious mankind has there been any proof of God doing anything on earth

1. I'm not devoted to it. I say family first.
2. Yes I am getting emotional because you are categorizing me with those who discriminate. And I do NOT discriminate.
3. You brought up wars... One of those could be racism, that is a VERY sensitive topic for me because my mother, the strongest most, amazing woman I know, has dealt with people like that and you are classifying me as one of those people when you say that and I refuse to let you say that. I do not tell mothers in the middle of Walmart to "go back across the border you illegal alien" when she has a child no older than 5 with her. That is where you crossed the line.
4. I am learning. I am not devoted.

Okay I understand that but you can still be a decent person without believing in the bible. Realistically, there is no proof of any of that stuff happening except for a book. Literally nothing else. And yeah okay you may be accepting, but most Christians aren't BECAUSE of this fake book....

The proof is the belief. And yes I agree, you an be a decent person without religion, but it can make people better than just decent. I get where you're coming from but realistically you have no proof that any of this stuff didn't happen. And the people that are the ones you should be worried about are the ones who discriminate against women or children or race or sexuality, Christianity is the least of your concerns. In warrensburg our religion as a community is peaceful, we do not protest or anything like that. If I were you I would just be thankful that you live in a place where everyone is at peace with their religions.

But there is literally zero proof of the existence of him. Your precious bible is the root of so many wars and discrimination. Just because many other people practice doesn't mean it's right...

Learning about God has taught me how to be a better friend. I do not agree with many things in the bible. If you have met me, you would know I do not discriminate race, sexual attraction, or any of these wars you are referring to. My mom is Hispanic, I am Hispanic. Whether you are a guy who likes a guy or a girl who likes a girl or a girl who likes a guy or WHATEVER. I don't care because there are people out there who ARENT religious who are just as RACIST AND JUDGEMENTAL as the extremist you are referring to. I am NOT an extremist and am a learner, I DO NOT make it to church everyday. I go to learn. I go when I need help copping with the thought of one of my absolute best friends killing them selves, why?because of the extremist religious folks and non religious people discriminating him, making him believe he is not welcome. After he left us I didn't know what to do. Church helped me with that. It helps me deal with the issues I face each week and just think how to make the next week better because sometimes I can't help what happens.

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Not trying to hate or anything. I just think it's strange how you thank somebody you were taught to worship instead of just realizing you r a hard worker

& I wasn't taught to worship Him, I never went to church because I was always swimming. Always. And I don't know, I CHOSE to learn about him. I convinced my parents to take me very Sunday. And to me it's much more than just with swimming, I don't necessarily "feel" godly or anything while I'm swimming, it's just in those moments when you're stuck it's something to turn to.

That still doesn't validify the bible....it was written by people and there is no proof Jesus even existed yet alone did all that crazy stuff like being resurrected

Okay.. Idc if you don't believe in God or Jesus or the bible, but I do... And so do MANY other people. So in your eyes it may just be a "book" and some "guy" who did "crazy stuff", but in mine it's something much more meaningful.

But is the bible really true lol, and how is he responsible for how well you swim

I'm not saying he is, I'm just saying for all the times I've prayed before a race for everything to go smoothly and nothing bad happen, that's how it's gone. The one time our relay didn't pray before a race we ended up disqualified... Idk how to explain it to you, it's just good to believe that someone believes in you even when those closest to you do not.


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