
Ashley Martin (✔) - and Eve

Ask @itsashleeym

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What's a warning sign that you're in the presence of bad company?

when people avoid giving answers to your Qs

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What would you do if a random guy like literally sweeped you off your feet?

i would be surprised and shocked

how do i flirt with a girl i like?!

talk to her, chat her up, ask her out. say nice things about her outfit and inside.

how so you physically flirt with a girl you like?

umm im interested on boys which means i dont flirt girls:}

Can you write your name on a paper and take a picture of it?

i can but i cant attach it. why dp you need it?:}

Do you think men look better in pinstripe or solid color suits?

i love when a man wears suit or brown coloured clothes. pink is just disgusting.

What's the one film you regret not having watched on the big screen?

umm... i dont know, Intouchables probably :} what would you answer?

Stop asking her those questions you perverted creep. If you don't know how to talk to a lady, back the fuck off!

ohh thank you !!!:'}


Language: English