
Adam Bonner

Ask @itsbon

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What do you want right now?

I wanna rock right now, I wanna I wanna rock, I wanna rock right now now now, rock right now

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What was the best part about graduating? And what will you miss?

That were finished! And all the friends that we see on a daily basis
Thanks for the question Jess haha

Ah shit aye. Well yeah we all made it in...

I would assume so considering its impossible to miss out haha who is this btw?

Why didn't out go to Trials for cricket at the weekend?

When they didn't pick Buckly last year after he made a hundred and two fifties at development I lost all confidence in the system
Liked by: Luke Shearston

if you were to live life again.. what would you change?

I would've gone to see a specialist when my back started hurting so I wouldn't have a stress fracture. Who is this btw, inbox me haha


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