
Francesca Tan

Hey Fran, can you pls give me some advices on this? I'm 18 and I'm experience terrible hair loss..... My hair gets thinner overall looking and each strand too. My hairline is receding also... Please help me I'm scared

:( Maybe you can try hair tonic? I'm not sure which are good but I heard they works. If it's rly bad maybe you should consult a doctor and get professional help. I think that's the best way to treat the problem. Hugs dear! X

Latest answers from Francesca Tan

i dare you to do a video of you dancing to any song you like whilst wearing 1 of your highest high heels (1 shoe) with other foot flat on floor. Video must show your full body and be for the full length of the song.

Huh don't dare me please hahah

Play along? Why don't ignore?

Ignore if you want but if he's so annoying to play hard then wouldn't it be fun to play along too and just leave him hanging suddenly? Hahahahaha sorry quite sadistic but then again if this happens to me irl I'll prolly just ignore also la waste time this kind

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