

the fact kyra talked soooo much fucking shit about you every single day at school bc she has no fucking life. Why are you friends again. She's the fakest bitch ikk manymanymany ppl hate her !

I'm not friends with her again! I know all the shit she did. We're just civil, because we don't want fighting. Definitely not friends! I haven't actually talked to her in a while. Thanks for letting me know though!
Liked by: Nicole Jones
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Latest answers from kellee

Name the people you miss from Tollgate

no one really like nick kazandjian and sydney d & a & cisco & idk thats it

Lmao how you said you and Bronwyn would never be friends and now look (x

never said that doe y u startin shit but even if I did say that so? does it have anything to do with you? people fight an get over it.

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