
Rina ♥ Suki

Latest answers from Rina ♥ Suki

Would you let your boyfriend play a game where the loser has to put his limp penis through a doughnut, and then play with it until it gets hard and breaks the doughnut in two?

what omg

2 questions: 1, why don't you use ask.fm anymore? 2, how came's you to seen out when you was a baby?

1. I kinda forget it exists, and every now and then I'm like WOAH THAT EXISTS, and I check it and never get like... serious questions xD if I had more questions that werent gibberish I'd probably answer more I guess?
2. sorry, what?

Why don't you do Youtube videos anymore?

I'm not sure really, I don't really know what to make videos of anymore, and I spent a lot of my time last year working on videos and stuff for Furi Furi, I felt like I didnt really have energy for my own channel anymore, I'd love to do more, I'm just kinda unsure what I would even do.. vlogs? dances? who knows

Can you dab?

Well, of course I *can* the question is "Would I ever want to?" and the answer is 'Oh, god no.'

What is your favorite brand of clothes?

If I could afford them I'dd just wear Liz Lisa and Innocent World and pretty much just drown myself in J fashion brands xD
but alas I can only afford the ale rack in primark xD

Language: English