

Ask @itz_kaby

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You need to learn to shut the fuck up. Leave aleea alone or else I'll make you leave her alone. do you understand that she dosent like you. Or are you just fucked in the head

Zachary Tremblay
Awe what a perfect match 😂

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this isnt aleea 😂 she obviously is getting the attention she needed that you failed to give her

I gave her more attention then anybody else has. But now she's going to parties and smoking weed and do other drugs and drink but that's her life if she wants to ruin it.

only place you will end up is seeing the fuckin mortician in the morgue. ITS WHAT YOUD LOVE TO DO BUT "DONT TELL MY MOM "

I hope your boyfriend zac knows what he is in for if he starts dating you

wristy twisty. ya get your facts straight before sharing to others before i fucking twist your wrists

How go ahead we will see where u end up

she "cheated" days after agreeing to date you. and yet months later thats your excuse? hah no. get your thoughts straight

Aleea u did cheat on me more then enough and I was too stupid to realize it and now ur going for zac tremblay

What would be one good and one down side of your week?

Went to a tigers game is the good thing and my ex is the down side

U shod break up with her. I was right about her being a cheater.. You didn't believe me but now look. I hope whatever your decision is works for you

I know and I was too stupid to realize she was

I'm sure she's cheating on me right now though. And another one is, how do you tell she's upset?

Hey man I've been through it too my ex cheated on me like 3-4 times before I even realized

What is your relationship status?

Single. So now I have to 3rd wheel cuz I don't have a gf so we can't go on double dates

She's so childish&gross😲 step up your game aha

I can't believe I realized that now that she's childish

Post one of your favorite quotes and who it's by!

Dreams are so important. You need to have big goals and expect a lot of yourself but you have to enjoy the ride too
-Sidney Crosby

Which dog breed do you resemble the most by appearance/character?

Well mine would be a weiner dog cuz I roll like a true dog and also cuz I'm thin and Long like most weiners canines


Language: English