
Moisés E. Balcacer Gonzalez

Yo me inicie en esta cuestion de la poesia en las llamas de tus sabanas, fue entre esas brasas ardiente en fuego viviente que mis ojos se abrieron, toque la dicha misma y se lo tube que dejar al mundo saber, y es atraves de mis poesias que eh de compartir lo vivido, que en el amor nunca hay frio.

Moisés E. Balcacer Gonzalez
Pero eso no fue mas que el inicio aun faltaba mi bautizo,
eso seria cuando estubiera agonizando en el piso,
cuando me dijeras adios y ni el tiempo de suspirar tuve,
solo te vi caminar y desaperecer en el nunca jamas,
de un dia navegar en las aguas del amar,
a ahora naufragar en la isla de la soledad.
Y es aqui donde en poeta me consume,
con el acido de la amargura solitaria,
sobre la herida aun caliente,
el haber podido sobrevivir ese dolor extenuante,
aprendir a perdonar pero no olvidar,
mori como hombre pero como poeta renaci y te lo debo todo a ti.
-Moises E. Balcacer
Un poco de poesia para los que me siguen.

Latest answers from Moisés E. Balcacer Gonzalez

Don't save in Limiose City, near a taxi. You'll brick your game and lose your save file. -Stranger

Yea i saw a couple of posts in tumbr about ir, thanks anyway.

If you would have a stranger give you a gift, what would you want? (So I can go and give it to you) I was thinking of a Razr Naga.

Well ._. i would worry if a stranger wanted to give me a gift as in, why would they want to do such an act if they are a stranger to me but then you mention a Naga, so i doubt you are an stranger since how would you know what kind of mouse i like? So first and foremost why? and then i will probably proceed to play games with a new shiny mouse

People always criticize girls that take pictures in bras and pantis what you think about it is it a big deal? or is just whatever thing...

It depends on the picture context, i personally dislike girls who by some reason try to get as much attention as possible and do that sort of thing to simply entice the masses but If a girl on a bikini is acceptable why not a girl wearing a bra and undies? at the end of the day is just a picture, society is the one that has given it a bad connotation i disagree in general with that notion but if the girl has an SO she should consult with him/her first making that kind of pictures public.

Language: English