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Apa yang paling kamu takuti?

Mati sehari sebelum scientists menemukan obat yg bisa bikin imortal / mati sehari sebelum scientists nemu their greatest discovery; The God Particle for example.

Pilih wanita berhijab atau pilih wanita tdk berhijab?

Aku ngga suka wanita berhijab. Aku milih lelaki yang tida berhijab aja dechhhhhhHhhH

Please recommend me some movies with action, drama, commedy, thriller, horror, or any genre except romance :)

Citrarosalinaf’s Profile PhotoCitra Rosalina Fikri
Things that pop up in my mind: pulp fiction, psycho, freaks (1932), memento and clockwork orange. Plus, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, it's a romance movie but also a sci-fi comedy.

Language: English