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It’s half of 2022 already. How are you?

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this year is a mix of bittersweet memories so far :) A LOT of unexpected things happened. i feel like this year is better than 2021
Quite okay. Aku try cari kerja and end up dpt keje, alhamdulillah. 🥺
Actually, masih dlm proses nak sibukkan diri sbb klo aku takde bende nak buat, aku akan menangis psl mcm2 bende 🙂😭😭😭 Selalu overthinking psl mase dpn nanti.
But, bile aku dah start keje ni, aku dah kurangkan waktu2 overthinking aku tu. Sbb dah penat bekerja, so, nak overthinking pon dah tak sempat 😬😅🤪

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