
Jiji Isanovic

Ask @izzyisanovic

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HAHAHHA. but sedap kot nma tu. Physicks.. walaweiii.. biulogi and chemisteri... thats why ramai org x leh score... cuba bagi nama sedap sikit..

Hey! Ramai yang boleh score! There are so many students at my school can score at least 90 in physics. -.-

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Adakah sy akan dipukul balik? --"

Oi! Mana boleh pukul perempuan. Besides, its haram for a man to touch a woman. Hahaha. Tak nak buat dosa

Amboihh hang -,- hempuk jugak karang dia ni haha , jiji oi tk pergi terawih kah?

Tbh no.. hahaha lol :pp

-,- dah tu aku nk duk mana adoi hang ni , pasai apa sekolah hang bukan boarding school urghh

Ask the school not me nigguhh.. ahahah lol

hurmm i dont have friend there haha :p . so whts ur school name? haha i nk merayu kt baba haha

Saint john International school. Hahaha. But its not boarding school.

why do pt3 exist? T.T can i move to ur school ? hahaha

Are you serious? Hahaha. Yeahhh girl. Sure you can. But we dont have arabic subject here. If you really want to move, you should get into International Islamic School. Its pretty good school i tell you and way more better than mine. Lol hahaha.

Huhu kau membuatkan aku nak nangis, u know the new format , pt3 hmm its really hard . Even arabic susah nk score tinggi T,T *menangis pandang tingkap huhu

Relax girl relax. Take a deep breath, go straight away to your study table, take any revision books and START STUDY! Get it? Or else you wont get flying colours result for your pt3! *seriously, i have no idea about pt3. Hahahaha.

Lol saje ingat kan kau takut kau lupa -,- study ? Disaster :') yours ?

Asal disaster??? Cuba ko cerita! Me?? Superbbbb! And im happy!

I datin dina -,- haha mama erwin :p well biasa la tu puasa kan . Lain la kau hulk ke apa mane penat hahan

Alahhhh. Malas ahhh nak berlakon. Well, hows your study??

Wo jap do remember me or just buat ingt ? Haha jiji kan nyanyuk . So whatsup ?

Ingat! Ko kan bakal isteri aku yang tak jadi! Ok jokes! Well, im fine. Just alil bit tired.

Ohhh jiji , really miss u la . Salam ramadhan dude

ohhh hi stranger. i dont really remember you la. sorry. and salam ramadhan to you nigguh! hahah

Hahaha kalau jumpe lagi ckp peminat dia kirim salam xD

Dadadadada, dont really remember. Aku pelupa

Sbb sya nkbersaing dgn awak. Wakakakaka. Rupanya best blajar phySICKS.

Stop calling it physicks! Its not that SICK after all. Hahaha. Besides, we just need to think out of the box. Believe me, you dont need books or loads of homework when it comes to physics! Hahahaha.

Btul. And skill nk sketch. Huahahaha. Sya suka sketch jadi biawak pdg pasir. Hehehe.smua bntk jadi biawak. Thanks jiji sbb menaik smangat minat fzik.

hahaha. how come saya menaikkan semangat physics awak? saya rasa saya tak buat apa pun. hahaha

Knape kau menghilang wahai jiji , datin dina rindu nak gaduh haih

aku baru jumpa datin dina semalam hahahaha


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