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Latest answers from Jacky

Ok, if I get any leads I'll let you know. It's not looking good tbh. Ppl just don't want to share where the cute boys at. sigh.

Ahaha yeah please let me know! I’d want to know what’s good too.

Do you think Shawn Mendes is boyfriend material? Ignore the fact that he's a minor, it's only for 24 more days.

'Ignore the fact that he's a minor' he's the same age as me as of now, so I'm all good, he can be mine

How should Kanye and Kim Kardashian be punished for what they're doing to Taylor Swift?

they've already punished themselves lmao

Do you hate Justin Bieber as a person, but like him as a musician?

Sometimes he's great as a person, more often than so, he isn't. But we all have that one boy in life who has that similar personality, guess he's that guy in the music industry lmao

How should Calvin Harris be punished for how prick-ish he's being to poor TayTay?

calcium hornet who? he's king of blocking people on twitter and blocking people from singing songs he produces, he's over!!!

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