

Ask @jade_aliciax0x

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I guess moto by drake listening to that a bit lately Have u ever built a snow man / wanna build a snowman ahaha

Hahha never have kinda want to

Omg i love tacos but probs pancakes there amazing um do u dislike anyone

Ummm I don't thinks so like I will have a grudge but it will go away so not really wbu?

Yea hot asf tho but cool as:) i cant think of a question :/ do u play a sport/s

Not really I use to but I'm joining one soon with Charlotte. Do you play a sport/s

Frozen coke mainly maccas cos bk near school tastes kinda off wbu

Frozen raspberry and yeah I get what ya mean :) ever been out of New Zealand?

Thoughts do them plzz <3

Fine just cause you did mine and said please ;) nah hah um ur really funny and easy to talk to tbh. Your nice and cocky af haha I might hang with you at bk if i can be stuffed tomorrow lol you made my day today lmao with all that universe logic shit and yeah cbf making it longer k bye ily
Liked by: Šhāñę


Heyy Mik
Sorry it's taken me ages todo this couldn't be fucked doing it haha anyways, you are so pretty it's actually so not fair! Your like perfect as! I hung with you this weekend and it's one of this best weekends I've had in ages(how does your scarf smell? HAHAHA). You and orange monkey suit!!!(not even joking) your one of my Best best friends and I honestly like trust you with everything which is like a big thing cause I don't really trust that many people anymore. Aw you were in my art and science last year and we got told like everyday of art to change at least one thing in our drawings and shit haha. You almost made me piss myself while I was presenting in science lmao. I miss being in your classes :( you call me bambi sometimes now haha and at bk you said really loud it's cause I have bambi eyes so everyone started looking at my eyes. You also say I remind you of your mum lmao (don't know why. But that's like a complement cause your mum is really cool). Your one of the nicest people I know and I honestly have no idea why you get so much hate on ask and shit. Your so skinny!!! And have the best style ever except you needa buy smaller clothes cause they to big for you hahha I'm like in love with your cat it's so cute like wow awwww haha. You do your makeup really well and do your eyeliner in like 2 seconds like wtf I can't do it! You and Emma are cute as best friends! We have a few memories now all of which are good haha like botany bed shopping with Myka and Emma. Also night markets and other shit I can't think of cause it's 2:20 lol. Aw your sick now. Hope you come to school faggot! You suit your piercings so much (septum especially!) hope no one hits your septum again cause looked like it hurt! cbf doing it any longer now!
Love ya bish xxxxxxxxx
P.S. If you don't come school chat me on fb so I'm not as bored all day hahah

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Liked by: Mikayla

Do you think you're brave?

I can be like I'm not scared of any bugs or animals really except fucking emu's like if you in the same area as them they run after you and shit and that scared the shit outta me hahha. I don't think I'm scared of much but if someone gets beat up infront of me I'll check if that persons okay but I'll wanna leave the place cause it's just like nah not cool.


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