
jake spary

Ask @jakerobert69

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Tbh- Hahaha omg you're the best person ever aye, sitting with you and bitching is probably my favourite thing and you're really good at sports.. like calm down

Beth-Annie ❤️
Haha thanks beth :D :D love our bitching sessions :')

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Para- Your the only person who will listen to my singing on the phone and tell me that Im super duper greaaaat. You make me the happiest girl and I love you alot xxx. Oh btw sorry for hitting you in the face today:) soz its short

Moll Dawg
Ahahaahah <3 i love you heaps xxx
Liked by: Moll Dawg

HO: eww I hate you so much and I wish I never met you!!! Nah you're amazing and know how to make me smile :) such an amazing friend and I'm so happy I met you :) CW: that person who you wanted me to go up and kiss :') ahah

:') :') :') ahahaha thanks but i forgot who i asked :/ hahaha whatevs :)

We have no photos together or as Madigan family ❤️ :( we need to!

Yes we can have like a massive party and take lots of photosssss. :-):-):-):-):-)

para on sarah?

Mmm gurl whrre do i start ;)
Totaly my fav neghbour in the frickin world, amazing, funny, relyable and brilkabt to the bone ♣


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