
J △ Y M C C O R M I C K

Ask @jaymccormickkk

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Hey 💜 sorry for annoying you 💚 #Followed 💙 can you please follow @noorhswanl back? And can you like 30 or 50 of her answers please? #CharliTo200K ❤️ I'll return the likes if you want 💛 thank you so much for helping 💚 have a nice day 💜


Today is World Environment Day! How do you plan to make a positive impact on our Earth?

its 2:28am im awake and im fucking bored revision is a bitch

John, we all know your gay so why do you not admit it. Everyone will support you john :) don't be ashamed its normal x

theres nothing to admit though thanks for trying to help though x

Please I bet urs is bigger than mine when urs isn't erect and mine is erect

why are you obsessed with my willy

I will find u tomorrow and give u 20 quid if u tell me how big it is. But u have to show me tomorrow so I know ur not lying?

whoa fuckinell jimmy calm it


Language: English