
Jeanne Kim

Ask @jeanbean07

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What's a warning sign that you're in the presence of bad company?

The boss lets out maniacal laughter.

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where do u like to shop at? do u wear leggings much

Ummm... I don't really shop... And I only wear leggings under dresses and skirts sometimes

hey, do u consider yourself as a twinkie or white washed? do u prefer white or asian guys

I AM NOT A TWINKIE! I AM A BANANA!!!! And idc what kind of guys as long as their nice and stuff...

What's a subject you wish you knew more about?

Why people bully others and some girls dress in skimpy clothing and most importantly... WHO IN THE RIGHT MIND WOULD INVENT SCHOOL AND HOMEWORK!!!!

If you could be invisible for a day, what would your do?

I'd prank a whole bunch of people and scare everyone and do other evil stuff I could do without getting arrested.

What’s your favorite public or state holiday of the year?

Either Marshmallow Toasting Day or White Cheesecake Day! And yes those are real holidays.

Who does your little sister like? Give us hints like (age, name, character, etc.) ;D

She likes a guy whose older brother is my enemy
Liked by: Hannah Lee

What was the last time you were angry? What happened?

Last night and cuz my cousin kept complaining and whining and hitting me and annoying me an other stuff like that
Liked by: Hannah Lee


Language: English