Ask @jehad_az

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Life is always an equation that is hard to get balanced.
That's why I like to take a break from " how life perfectly should look like " and get into " That's how I feel like doing now "...every now and then.


Those moments before sleep are the ones I hate the most.
They remind me of the things I have to achieve but didn't yet.
People who left in the middle of the road.
Dreams that were crashed by reality.
Things I would have said but couldn't at times.
They remind me that of my fears of being a normal person.
Who does nothing special

- مَساحةة .. 🍂

I understand where your mind likes to take you all the time.
It takes you to the future where you think it's dark and unknown...It takes you to the past where you think it's full of failures and things you didn't do.
Believe me it's only 'now' where it should take you to.
Don't waste your energy thinking about the unchangeable past and the unknown future...The past made you strong and the future would be better if you worked on it.. right now


I believe in God's timings, I believe in how things work when it's time.
No matter how bad we want it to happen. It will happen in the perfect timing.
You see metres infront of you but God.. God always see the end of the road. 🖤

post something

They say that pain, tough days, real struggles allow us to grow and they certainly do, but what about the ability to accept it ?
Adapt.. It ends or it doesn’t.... We do not perish 🖤🔥🔥


Language: English