

Ask @jemz98

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if (@deckersss) called you fat then why is he still in your bio and why are you all over his account, did you make him up?

he didnt call me fat:/

I smoke to and I look weird when I puff the smoke out and Ive seen you do it and you look so cool, how do you do it so smoothly and looking cool?:(:(

who is this haha? inbox me?

you cant even smoke you fucking attention seeker

omg no, cry yourself to sleep about it bbe, fuck off

oh u are fucking beautiful :33 where are u from ? ask me ?

im not aw:3 you're gorgeous!! and lincoln haha okkk x

If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say?

stop licking your arse
Liked by: Jimmy :)


Language: English