
Jenna Bramlet

Describe your relationship

Hm. Well my relationship has its ups and downs but I wouldn't trade it for anything. We can be ourselves around each other, and we can tell each other anything. Sometimes we fight, but it always gets figured out because we care enough to not let things get between us. We're protective of each other. We can have the best time just watching movies. Anddddd I'd do anything to make this last as long as possible because its as close to perfect as it gets and I love him:)
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Latest answers from Jenna Bramlet

Your so beautiful! I just want to be close to you constantly! I would never let you feel down or upset, I'd always try to cheer you up.

thanks anonymous person

Love the fact Emily and nick are happy and you have to sit back and watch❤️

lol this cracks me up ? trust me I'm not watching because I don't care at all ?

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