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Latest answers from Damian

Czy Ty tez zaraz po obudzeniu sprawdzasz telefon????

Kiedyś miałem taki nawyk bo spędzałem dużo czasu na mediach społecznościowych, teraz tylko wyłączam budzik i odkładam telefon ? Wole czas rano wykorzystać na zrobienie sobie jakiegoś dobrego śniadania i jedzenia do pracy

What you think a korean wife?

? Well i have never had a wife and what about korean wife??
If you wanted to ask me what I think about korean girl as a wife then nothing because I don't know any.
I am a polish guy so there are some pretty big differences between me and asian people so probably that's something not so easy to deal with. ?
Also if it comes to appearance that's not my type of girl so i am not really into it xD

Handosme? would you be with ukraine girl?!

I don't take care of my girl's nationality at all as long as she does respect our polish traditions and is a good person overall. But yea most of ukraine/russian girls I've ever met were really selfish and focused only on their appearance and money so well i wouldn't like to be with someone like that. ?

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