

Ask @jessicagilmor

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joey hooked up with dom..

good job. you can connect the dots too? lol lmao i just think its funny because she was my friend and hung out with me and joey while we dated and than does that.. no one has morals they can all go fuck eachother i could honesty give a shit about it, i have much more important things to worry about right now

actually thats your job....since you are so proud of your nickname JBLOW

lmfao why dont you say that to my face dominique madison or kadi?

everyone knows you still love him..tell us the truth

.you know me so well..... why dont you do me a favor and go fuck off? thanks.

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no you r still obsessed LOL

true obsessed.... LMFAO now maybe you should stop being obsessed about me and him and get a life like really.... lmfao

well thats nice that you speak so highly of him when he was hooking up with another girl the past weekend

im not a fucking idiot and thats why he is no longer a part of my life.... your about a week late with this news lol but thanks?

what senior guys do you think are cute or would consider talking to?

idk reallly... lol most of the guys have girlfriends and are annoying so it really just depends

Why are you so obsessed with joey?

lmfao well he is so nice and cool who wouldnt be? lol but im not.... things have changed and he is out of my life for the better

If you could do anything now, what would you do?

have a fairy come and do my senior project for me so i can go to sleep :)

what do you look for in a guy? and is there anything that would make you automatically not like a guy?

hmmmm..... i dont like boring, cocky or asshole guys like everyother girl pretty much lol but the like number 1 thing i always look at is the way they text... lol dont send u for you or anything like that i think its really annoying

biancas such a crazy whore how the fuck you still friends with her

thats fucked up to say.... but shes like family to me i have known her since birth and she is always there for me

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