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Latest answers from XxcallmewolfyxX

Hey! I'm back. I've been through some very difficult shit and I'm in desperate need of cash by Tuesday so I'm not sleeping on the streets. Trying not to be a total mooch so I'm selling some of my things and making edits for just $1-$5! Please help me out. If not I understand. Thank you!

RainbowKidYo’s Profile PhotoSam I Am ♡
SAM! I wish I wasnt a broke hoe :( I would totally help you out :(

You can be overwhelmed and underwhelmed, but why can't you be simply whelmed? (I follow you, obvii)

RainbowKidYo’s Profile PhotoSam I Am ♡
Id like you to be more up beat.
Were screwed!

Which Disney character would you like to be for a day?

Hmmm maybe Sleepy beauty because of how tired I always am 😁😂😁😂

Language: English