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[GYU'S QOTD] if you could take members of society out for a day, who would you take to the movies, cafe, restaurant, amusement park, zoo, school, party, sleep over and vacation? you can choose up to three people for each location bc i'm a nice person ;)

MOVIES : yerin, sohyun, chorong
CAFE : bomi, jhope, jungkook
RESTAURANT : haeryung, changsub, sorn
AMUSEMENT PARK : yujin, hani, suho
ZOO : seulgi, irene, lay
SCHOOL : sojin, yura, minah
PARTY : hyeri, woohyun, myungsoo
SLEEP OVER : hara, youngji, joy
VACATION : yeri, jonghyun, hyosungsUNHWABORA –
basically the rest of the masterlist that i need to desperately spend more time with.

my 1000th answer goes to my most valued, most thought of, most cared for, most loved, and most desired.

why is she my 1000th answer? because throughout the two years i've known her, she's given me 1000 answers and more to both the negative and positive aspects of life. honestly, she /is/ the answer. she's my everything. she understands me in ways nobody will ever be able to. she affects me in ways i have no control over. when she's upset, so am i. of course we fight too. but we've learned so many things about each other every step of the way. no words can describe how much i love this girl and her selfless self. she's the one person that can make me cry from laughing so hard but also be able to inflict pain on me. pain that shoots from my chest to the tips of my fingers within a second. i don't know where i'd be today without her in my life. she's my best friend.
honestly, i'm so possessive over her. but when others praise her or notice the good things about her and choose to compliment her about it, i just smile and think, 'tsk. that's my girl.'
so before you send her hate on ask, shooting her down with statements that involve me - don't forget who you're saying it to. don't forget what level she stands on in my life. just because she's too nice to publicize her haters doesn't mean i don't know about it. she tries to hide it from me but she can't. simply because i know when she's down. so give her a break because nothing hurts more than when the person i love the most is getting hurt by people who are nothing but oblivious to how much she means to me.
p.s. she's also quite the crybaby. but that's okay bc she's my crybaby.
p.p.s. to those who think they want to court my crybaby - pM ME FOR THOROUGH INTERROGATION.

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a motivational message for everyone in society?

okay, so i know a lot of us are a bit lazy to reply and find it really difficult at times. that or maybe it's just me. but whatever it may be for you, here's a little motivation!
– if you're really not feeling it, don't. because odds are your mood will affect how you reply. so, take a break. not too long though.
– after your break, think about all of the people you aren't so close to yet. about how the newbies may not be getting the tlc that they deserve at such a vulnerable state. about how this certain person's been there for so long but you still haven't been able to really get close to them.
– when you reply, don't rush it. don't have all these tabs open with wall posts you need to reply to. you'll freak yourself out. isolate one post at a time and focus on it. reply slowly. type slowly. and make sure your words have effort and true intention in it to get to know the other better.
– assure your brain that you're catching up and that you aren't still drowning. basically, think positive! four wallposts? wow, that's a lot already.
– enjoy being able to interact with these people. they're you're family, close or not. so you should always want to get closer to more of them even if you may already have your select few close friends.
– last but not least, know that you aren't alone. the admins are doing this too especially since they have other things to tend to. the rest of the members are reaching out to you as well. it's your turn to reach out to them!

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how are you feeling? i know you're most likely going to answer with only a few words but i hope you use this question to vent out how you actually feel. i know a lot has been happening in society.

this was very thoughtful and it made me smile that you asked, so i'll definitely be giving you the honest answer you deserve and not just a few words.
i'm actually really stressed. surprise, surprise. but i accept what's happening. i accept that people have problems with other people. and i accept that not everyone thinks the same way. but the way they are acting upon those problems and disagreements is something that puts a heavy weight on chest. it upsets me that the person behind anon hate feels so strongly about what they're thinking that they feel the need to let it out the way they do. i feel like i'm not doing a good enough job as a head admin. that i'm not further pushing society to be a better place. but i'm trying, so i'd like to ask for everyone to bear with me.
other than that, i'm stressed because i have a lot to do and i constantly have to pick up my pace to keep up. i'm days behind on wallposts. confessions don't edit and post themselves. replying to my messages on kik is impossible nowadays, unless you have some sort of emergency. my pms have been untouched for god knows how long. updating the main thread is a hassle on mobile. and i would mention my personal life issues but i'd start sounding whiny.
now with all that stuff happening, how much time and focus am i able to put into my own happiness? sleep? sungkyung? not very much.
running a roleplay is hard when you're trying to do it right. i think it only gets harder the more established it is. because starting a roleplay? that's easy. building that bridge to get somewhere with it? challenging. keep pushing forward once you've gotten somewhere with it? extremely difficult.
exhales deeply.
well, that was fun.
thanks for asking, anon.

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who would be the football player, the cheerleader, the stud. co. president, the bookworm, and the teacher?

football TEAM : kyungsoo, taemin, jonghyun, tao, hyeri, yura, mark tuan, jimin, and wendy.
cheerleaderS : krystal, baekhyun, sungkyung, jihye, ailee, joo, sora, yuri, v, sohyun, and naeun.
student co TEAM : seulgi, suho, lay, chanyeol, me, jungkook, chen, ravi, and rapmon.
bookworm : seohyun, joy, seul, nahyun, saeron, younghye, yerin, and sehun bc he wants to be surrounded by the cute quiet girls. ( :
hot a'f teacher : park yura.

would you like to name a few?

our most recent taeyeon currently left. then there's our sulli which was previously our hyeri. tae's naeun. yeeun which was our seul for a while. lay hyung. uri manbyul. miss jeonnie. mother ailee. our previous lulu ge. park yura who hasn't talked to me at all bc i'm not cool and she knows it. jungkookie. $uh0 hy0ng / vern0n. the yilmaz sisters. yeri who actually still talked to me on kik but left after our stupid argument. our previous joy. our one and only seungyeon. taehyung the penguin. angel saeron. jung hanna, our yg trainee. nahyun. sumingel who changed to sana. dahye who i think rejoined but needs to say so bc i miss her. bohyung aka sora. a bunch of our wendys. jung eunji. seolhyun! yujin. our old woohyun and myungsoo. bang minah. remember that megan we had? previous hyuna. nina, odg nina aka hyo noona. chris wood was cool. our very first yeri who literally obliterated every heart with her sunshine. poojung/thoejung, i miss her. sohee aka seohyun. that one victoria we had. one of our other sullis that left with a sorry. our v first taeyeon. youngho aka johnny, that boi. mivoung. remember our rockstar joonyoung? jonghyun hyung. our old wheein who i greeted hbd. a bunch of our xiumins. like pls give us a xiu that will stay pls. and yeah, a bunch more.
damn it, anon, you got me tearing up and shit.

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experiment one - your task today is hear the following link, with earphones, and dot down the time where you stopped: ( follow with a description of what you felt at the moment.

subgkyung told me not to listen to this. and being the pussy i am, i won't.
haha no but seriously – please be more careful about what you send around because people will get triggered and it's dangerous for them, might they do something life-threatening to themselves.
i'm not listening to it because i'd rather not experience a mental breakdown when i'm already burning with a fever.

would you rather date sungkyung seul sulli or sora

tbh, at this point - i'd date anyone in society because you're all so fucking great i don't understand what i did to deserve you guys??¿ like was i some sort of saint in my previous life because god damn - you all are such precious fuckers. let's all just go on one big ass date alright. LET'S ALL GO CRASH AN ARCADE AND CAUSE CHAOS. fuck, i love you guys. i love you guys so much. i love everyone - even the haters. even the ones who think i'm weird for saying such things. or they don't really
care about society. its okay, bc i care ok i care about everyone here and i hope you all believe that. all of you make up the rainbow i see after a storm. thank you for everything.


Language: English