
give me pizza

lol i don't think i've eaten more than 1 cuz my parents don't like them for the same reason as yours. haha omg HOW. do you guys have big apple there? their doughnuts are so unique but also weird? idk and omg i love how everyone's talking about food here rn lmao

i would eat smthng savory or salty right after >.< and no we dont have big apple here! ahhaha keep it that way people.. I cry everytime i watch DC cupcakes or master chef tbh

Latest answers from give me pizza

its completely different omg i guess adulthood changes things a lot lol

exactly when u get out of that bubble of comfort u have to toughen it out, surprisingly intj-enfp are perfect match i'm gonna end up marrying myself lol

intj? i thought u said before u were an enfp?

it changed for some reason! i got enfp like two years ago

i get so happy when people write info about ljm. i'm scared to have high hopes but the production already looks awesome i can't help it. i hope they cancel and refilm everything yixing with thin mustache though it's so baaad

i refuse to entertain mustached xing in my head lololol. there's so little material to work with for ljm tho so i'm a bit ????

is lao jiu men drama produced by the same company that produced lost tomb?

the lost tomb: huan rui century, author's, enlight media, iqiyi
old nine gates: author's, ciwen media, iqiyi
luckily its not that flop h&r again

Hi, nice to meet you well I want to participate in Yixing's proyects and please want to know all about it, may I?

yixing project like? you can always find them on twitter

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