
Joe Joyce

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Latest answers from Joe Joyce

I found out my boyfriend has been talking behind my back about his past hook up with a different girl. Like I heard even when his friends don't ask him he still brings it up and tells them about it. Why does he talk about his past when he's with me now? Does he think that girls prettier than me?

Fuck knows

If you overheard your crush say that she thinks you're the hottest guy in your grade, would you become confident enough to ask her out?

What if you didn't like her tho ?

So would other guys be more impressed if I had sex with a girl that's really good in bed or if they knew I had sex with a really hot girl?

Shotgun mate

Would you rather have sex with a girl that's really hot or with a girl that's really good in bed?

I want a shotgun tbf

I overheard a guy say to a few of his buddies he wants to f*ck my gf. Do you think he masturbates while thinking about her or imagined her naked or both?

Dunno they might be a goon if so then probably no fella haha

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